Wednesday, February 12, 2014

On David's Shoulders - Character Faces #1!

Edit February 2015: Since the time of posting here, my current work-in-progress On David’s Shoulders, has undergone a huge shift including “recastings” for most of the main characters. Accordingly, I’ve decided to take down the contents of this post. If you’d like to see the current story summary and more details, you can visit its page on my author website here.

Thanks for understanding!


  1. These pictures make me over the top thrilled, Heidi!!! Richard, Charlotte, Mary... CHARLES! The more I look at them the more impatient to read their story I become. :)

    1. I'm so glad! ...And they wouldn't be the same without you... ;-)

  2. Mercy! Look at that young Gregory Peck! Where's my swooning couch?

    1. Yes, and (hem!) for one reason or another, I actually haven't seen much with him, but-for what I was looking for-his looks and expression were just perfect in this pic (and a couple others I have) on he went. :-)


I'd love to hear your thoughts and look forward to further confabulation. Please just be courteous to one and all. Oh, and I love thoughts on old posts, so comment away!

(Also of late -- what with time being finite, and Life Happening + managing multiple blogs and computer issues and all that -- I sometimes have to alternate between creating new content and replying to comments, but rest assured I'm thrilled to hear from each and every one of you and always hope to reply thoughtfully in full ASAP. <3)