Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Sunshine Award

This week we’re scheduled for another tag as Natalie (from her delightful blog Raindrops on Roses and Whiskers on Kittens) has tagged me with the Sunshine Award! Thank you, Natalie!

How To Do It:

1. Answer the questions set by your nomination blogger.

2. Nominate as many or as few fellow bloggers as you like.

3. Set questions for your nominees.

1. What would you do on a rainy (but not stormy) day? ~ Speaking from recent practice, pretty much my regular routine–chores, food preparation, working with sisters, some form of writing…

2. Heels or flats? ~ I do particularly like the look of some Mary Jane-ish type shoes with a little heel that I’ve seen, but I generally find flats (that is, shoes with your regular, ordinary heel) most comfortable.

3. Is there any particular music/song that ever gives you chills from the beauty or inspiration of it? ~ Good question! One I find thrilling is a Fantasia on Greensleeves. I’ve heard it a couple times on Pandora, but still have to figure out the exact source.

4. Would you find a mud battle hilariously fun or positively gross? ~ Ummm...well…let’s just say I would be a spectator. :-)

5. Is there anything you feel God has taught you over the past year? ~ During all the changes (and the things that didn’t change), God has granted me great contentment–for which I am most grateful.

6. Favorite sidekick/best friend character from literature? ~ There are so many (particularly as the sidekick is often one of my favorite characters), but I’ll say Master Jeremy Sparrow in Mary Johnston’s To Have and To Hold. He’s solid and funny–and will go thick and thin for those he loves.

7. What do you like to do for exercise? ~ Ballet Beautiful! (It’s an actual exercise program.)

8. A favorite movie/TV show nobody would expect you to like? ~ Hmmmm. Maybe Singing in the Rain? Or Pixar’s Cars? They both have some “hem!” moments (and Singing in the Rain has some parts we skip), but I really like the themes and characterizations/development in both.

9. E-mailing, telephoning, texting, or snail mail? ~ Actually, a little bit of all four. Email, telephone, and letter writing figure prominently–and texting works excellently well for grocery lists!

10. Describe your dream dress. ~ At the moment: white–with some sparkle somewhere–and airy, draping chiffon in the skirt.

11. Favorite Biblical name? ~ David. I’ve liked it since I was little and have been thinking about it a lot lately due to writing On David’s Shoulders. :-)

Thank you again, Natalie! Good questions!!

And my nominees:

Victoria of Hope Writer
Reyna Nicole of A Peace of the Past
Livia Rachelle of Rose Petals and Faerie Dust
Maddie Rose of The Madd Rose
Laura of Gazing Wonders

Here are your questions...and I'm looking forward to hearing all your answers!

1. Do you have a favorite spring color?

2. One of the most riveting books you’ve ever read?

3. A favorite adventure movie?

4. Mexican, Italian, or French cuisine… Do you have a favorite?

5. Do you like shopping for relaxation or would you “infinitely prefer a book”? Or either?

6. Do you like cranberries?

7. Do you enjoy hiking and camping?

8. Working with animals?

9. Do you ever name places? Inspired by favorite literary locations?

10. Do you enjoy dying your hands brown in garden soil? Or do you find worms unsettling?

11. A specific instance of God’s kindness toward you in the past year.


  1. Since I answered the Sunflower tag already on my Soliloquy blog, I'll just answer the questions here, okay?

    1. Do you have a favorite spring color?

    Pale green -- is that a spring color?

    I had a terrible time putting down Lucifer's Hammer by Larry Niven and Jerry Pournelle. I thought about it constantly while I wasn't reading it until it was done, and even afterwards.

    3. A favorite adventure movie?

    The Disney Three Musketeers that has Chris O'Donnell in it. Such fun!

    4. Mexican, Italian, or French cuisine… Do you have a favorite?

    I love Italian and Mexican, but I haven't had much French.

    5. Do you like shopping for relaxation or would you “infinitely prefer a book”? Or either?

    NOT a fan of shopping. Shopping to me is a chore, so I would much prefer a book!

    6. Do you like cranberries?

    I LOVE them!

    7. Do you enjoy hiking and camping?


    8. Working with animals?

    I wanted to be a veterinarian for a few years. So yes.

    9. Do you ever name places? Inspired by favorite literary locations?

    Well, since we got married 12 years ago, we have lived in 6 places, and I've named all of them: The Hobbit Hole, Rivendell, The Crypt, The Crow's Nest, The He**mouth, and now Tir Asleen. So that's 2 book-inspired, one TV show-inspired, and one movie-inspired.

    10. Do you enjoy dying your hands brown in garden soil? Or do you find worms unsettling?

    I love gardening! I love digging, planting, playing with dirt... I even kind of enjoy weeding sometimes. Fun fact: when I was a kid, my brother and I sold "nightcrawler" worms to fishermen for a dollar a dozen for several years. I liked catching them a lot better than he did.

    11. A specific instance of God’s kindness toward you in the past year.

    We've had lots of snow this winter! I LOVE snow, and so do my kids. (And by "lots" I mean sometimes 6 or more inches at a time -- we live in Virginia, so that's a lot around here.)

    Thanks for the tag! These were very fun questions :-)

    1. I'm glad you enjoyed it and I so enjoyed your answers!! And oh my, we have quite a bit in common. ;-) Yes, I consider pale green a spring color...and talking about Mexican and Italian food is starting to make me hungry! :-) ...I liked your worm answer. I actually like worms (garden worms, that is). When gardening, it's kind of like meeting a friend.

    2. Yes! Finding a garden worm or nightcrawler is like meeting a little friend who is working so hard on keeping your garden healthy so you don't have to.

  2. Thank you for nominating me & following :) !!...I am working on it right now so far I love your questions ...you made me go hungry with the cuisine one.-Hope you have a wonderful evening.


    1. You're welcome! I'm looking forward to reading it! ;-)


I'd love to hear your thoughts and look forward to further confabulation. Please just be courteous to one and all. Oh, and I love thoughts on old posts, so comment away!

(Also of late -- what with time being finite, and Life Happening + managing multiple blogs and computer issues and all that -- I sometimes have to alternate between creating new content and replying to comments, but rest assured I'm thrilled to hear from each and every one of you and always hope to reply thoughtfully in full ASAP. <3)