Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Matters of Greater and Lesser Importance

(Screenshot courtesy of Hamlette)

To begin with, Hamlette (at The Edge of the Precipice) is doing a Lord of the Rings read-along and I was recently able to do a character sketch/guest post on Faramir! Here's the link. Do check it out and let me know what you think and be sure to take a few minutes to check out the rest of her lovely blog!

Secondly, I've just finished redesigning all my "Along the Brandywine" blog buttons complete with grab boxes! It seems like I almost always forget exactly how to do it, but I do have an excellently helpful link and I thought I'd share it for all of you in a similar fix. Here it is. It's supposed to be new and updated HTML and work for both blogger and wordpress. Anyhow, I'm pretty pleased with how they all came out! If you want to scroll down and take a peek they're down below "Labels" on the right hand side. :-)


  1. For awhile now I've had it in the back of my mind to make my own blog buttons...well, you inspired me to sit down and do it. :) It was so much fun I ended up making 5 but I only posted 3. I noticed you already had my header on your sidebar as a blog button..thanks for "advertising" me! :)
    Now I'll go add one of your buttons to my blog! :)

    1. Thank you! It's a ton of fun, isn't it? :-)

      And your buttons are lovely!! I liked the Anne one so much I switched out what I had on the sidebar. :-) As a quick note (and not to overly complicate your life), but there might be something a little off somewhere in the HTML code. For some reason it didn't want to actually bring up the picture for me - so I just went ahead and put it in as an image with a link and it works great. Anyhow, beautiful job and so delightfully spring-y! The blossoms are soooo satisfying! :-) Ahhhh...the White Way of Delight!

  2. Your drawing is beautiful! :-)
    Thanks for the link. Like Natalie, I've been meaning to make my own button but I've never gotten around to doing it. Thank you for sharing the information. I'm working on my button right now. :-p

    1. You're welcome! And I'm looking forward to seeing yours. :-)

  3. Thank you! It is fun! I'm glad you liked the Anne one!
    Oh're right. I fiddled with it a little and something is definitely not right. *sigh* I'll have to sit down and work on that sometime. Thanks for letting me know!

    1. You might have already got it fixed by now, but I was wondering if you remembered to put the dashes in line 12 in the button code box. I think I had the same thing happen once and that might have been the problem. :-)

    2. Thanks I'll keep that in mind when fix them! :)

  4. How awesome!!! I am a huge fan of Faramir. I have never forgiven Peter Jackson for ruining his character in the movies. Faramir is, besides Aragorn, the most kingly and noble of all characters in the Lord of the Rings. Wonderful post, Heidi!!!

    1. Thank you!! :-) It was a lot of fun to write. I've always loved his character and it was wonderful to be able to delve into it more. :-) I'm so glad you liked it!!! :-) I was hoping you would... ;-)

  5. Speaking of lovely blogs, I nominated you for the Beautiful Blog Award -- read my post here for details :-)

    And thanks again for the great guest post! I'm looking forward to another...

    1. Thank you! I'll try and get my answers up next week. :-)

      And I'm looking forward to it, too! I definitely have some mental notes and ideas spinning in the back of my head. :-)


I'd love to hear your thoughts and look forward to further confabulation. Please just be courteous to one and all. Oh, and I love thoughts on old posts, so comment away!

(Also of late -- what with time being finite, and Life Happening + managing multiple blogs and computer issues and all that -- I sometimes have to alternate between creating new content and replying to comments, but rest assured I'm thrilled to hear from each and every one of you and always hope to reply thoughtfully in full ASAP. <3)