Sunday, April 20, 2014

Resurrection Day ~ The Year of Our Lord 2014

“That which He has not assumed He has not healed.” Irenaeus of Lyons

And He has assumed it. All has been done. The Word made flesh has conquered–has conquered us. The second Adam has come, has gone into death–has given his side to be ripped open for the forming of His bride. The greater Isaac has lain bound on the wood and the un-stayed knife blade has fallen. The Great Prince has come and been stripped of all. He has gone into darkness and terror and the horror of death. He has become the curse and our iniquity. He has been cut off from the Father. He has known hell.

He counted the cost. And He has triumphed.

The true Son has come up from Egypt. The greater Moses has led His people through the wilderness. Going down into death and rising again, He has brought His bride up with Him. The Great King–the Son of David–has taken (not a wise woman), but a harlot and is transforming her to purity, into a Lady Wisdom–into His queen.

“For God is not merely mending, not simply restoring a status quo. Redeemed humanity is to be something more glorious than unfallen humanity.” C.S. Lewis

Everything has been made new and the heavens and the earth are awash with fresh colors. The worlds have been turned inside out and right side up. The daily dying and living and dying and living again that we have been called to now fully means something. He has sanctified it in Himself–glorifying it.

No matter how little we can see–or how little we feel we have experienced–looking to Him and away from ourselves, we can trust Him. Trust His good and perfectly pledged Word. And we can trust Him for the resurrected harvest. No matter how feeble our attempts, no matter how apparently insignificant our efforts, no matter how easily we get discouragedHe is turning it all into something glorious. All our daily fluctuations–when the fighting begins to seem so small and petty and grueling–all our endeavors, our failures and trials, our beginnings and endings–everything we are and have–will mysteriously and wondrously be found complete in Him. For in Him is the fullness of life.

The Prince has come. He has laid hold of His bride: calling and claiming her from the uttermost reaches of death and sin and shame and misery. He has shown forth His love before the world–and our lives are now fraught with the weight of an eternal joy.


  1. Beautiful post! Happy Easter! :) I hope you had a wonderful Resurrection Day.

    1. Happy Easter to you as well!! :-) And yes, thank you, I did! ;-)

  2. Happy late Easter! :) He is risen!


    1. He is risen indeed!!

      ...And thanks so much for commenting Heidi! :-)

  3. That was a wonderful post, Heidi! I have to tell you that God used your words to speak very personally and very powerfully to me when I read your post this morning. Thank you for being yielded to the Holy Spirit in your writing - He is using you to speak to others, like me! -- Victoria (Hope Writer)

    1. Thank you, Victoria! I'm so glad you found them a blessing...

      And thank you so much for your encouragement!!

  4. Happy Easter! It's been such a blessing to get to know you :-)

    1. Thank you, Hamlette! And the blessing has been mutual as I'm so enjoying getting to know you, too. :-)


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(Also of late -- what with time being finite, and Life Happening + managing multiple blogs and computer issues and all that -- I sometimes have to alternate between creating new content and replying to comments, but rest assured I'm thrilled to hear from each and every one of you and always hope to reply thoughtfully in full ASAP. <3)