Tuesday, September 9, 2014

50th Post & Announcing...An Emma Party!!!

This is rather exciting in how it happened…but (number one)—this is my 50th post!!! And (number two) what makes it doubly exciting is that it fell at the exact time I’m announcing my “Emma” Party! The party is scheduled for October 20-27 and I do so hope you can all join me! There will be a tag, reviews, posts on history and themes, and also a give-away!

I wanted to let you know in plenty of time so you can decide if you’re able to do it, plan anything extra you might like, and/or read the book (Emma by Jane Austen).

Here are the party buttons!

If you’re putting one up and/or planning to participate, I’d love to have you leave a quick comment! (And if you could put a link back here with the buttons that would be great, too.) I’m so looking forward to sharing the time with you all!


  1. Replies
    1. Naomi! I'm so glad you're looking forward to it!! ;-)

  2. This looks like fun! I'm definitely interested in participating :)

    1. Cryslyn,
      Thank you! And I do hope you can...we'd absolutely love to have you join us! :-)

  3. Replies
    1. Evie,
      Oh good!! I'd love to have you! ;-)

    2. Wonderful!! Now how to begin?! :D and Thank you for having me!

    3. Evie -- Anything you come up with will be lovely! The party is scheduled for October so you should have plenty of time to work on whatever you like... Maybe a book or movie review or a study of some sort? Oh--and there will be a tag, too! :-)

  4. I hope I'll be able to participate! I'm sure I will, being that we're finally in our new house and have internet again! Yay! Expect an email soon. :)
    This blog party sounds so much fun.
    And congratulations on your 50th post!

    1. Natalie!
      I'm so glad you're in your new house! Hooray! I shall be awaiting your email with eager expectation... ;-) Also, I'm glad you think the party sounds fun--and thank you for the congratulations!

  5. Yay! Emma is my absolute favorite Austen character, and I've been thinking about her lately. I am definitely doing this. :)

    1. Joanna,
      I'm so happy you love Emma and so glad you'll be joining us!

  6. I'm absolutely in -- I'll review the Gwyneth Paltrow version of Emma :-) Putting a button on both my blogs right now!

    1. Hamlette -- Yay!!! And wow--both your blogs?? I'm so excited... and I'm looking forward to your Emma review! :-)

  7. Haha, I had thought I'd commented earlier, but juuust realized that I'd forgotten to press "Publish"--whoops!
    Congratulations on your 50th post!! I'm definitely going to participate in your Emma party--mention "Emma" and I'm hooked. :D

    1. Miss Jane -- I've done that sort of thing before! Particularly on something like an important email... :P

      But anyhow, thank you!! And I'm so very glad you'll be joining us! :-)

  8. What a delightful idea...I will definitely be participating!!
    Also great with a opportunity to reread Emma...I've only read it one time.

    1. Rose,
      Oh, good, I’m so glad! And thanks so much for putting up one of the buttons! :-) Also, a reread of Emma sounds great. ;-)


I'd love to hear your thoughts and look forward to further confabulation. Please just be courteous to one and all. Oh, and I love thoughts on old posts, so comment away!

(Also of late -- what with time being finite, and Life Happening + managing multiple blogs and computer issues and all that -- I sometimes have to alternate between creating new content and replying to comments, but rest assured I'm thrilled to hear from each and every one of you and always hope to reply thoughtfully in full ASAP. <3)