Thursday, March 2, 2017

Announcing the Adventure of Reading Challenge!

*drumroll* I am here to announce the grand Adventure of Reading Challenge! (Henceforth to be known as ARC).

Now the point of this challenge is NOT to take the zing out of reading or add yet another thing to the to-do list. It's simply that, personally, I haven't been reading much this last year (for some very obvious reasons) and really want to get back in the habit. However, life is still very full and busy, so I'm trying to make it extremely doable. And fun. If you already have a tall reading list you can feel completely free to use any of those titles -- just using this as inspiration to actually get reading them. And you can definitely double this with other reading challenges (i.e. if you were already planning to read LOTR or something for a different challenge, etc).

If you have a blog and are able to do a quick review of each book, that'd be splendid and fantastic. (You can come back and leave your link on this post and I'll do a round-up post periodically with the links.) If you don't have a blog (or don't have time to put together a review or only want to review certain ones), that's absolutely and perfectly fine, too.

One last note, you don't have to have your whole list figured out to enter and you can definitely move up or down from one level to another as the year progresses. (See? We're keeping this very manageable. ;D)

The challenge runs through the end of the year and there are 3 levels:

Explorer: 3-5 books
Voyageur: 6-9 books
Wrangler: 10-12 books 
(Remember, this is all highly inspiring so I decided to just let loose and have fun with the names. ;))

And our buttons!


I'm actually going to start at the Explorer level and see how far I can jump by the end of the year (a lot will depend on which selections I end up going with). I'm also planning to start my western novel this year, so you'll notice a bunch of my reading selections are rather heavily slanted. ;)
So! Thus far, my list is as follows:

For Meredith's upcoming Beauty & The Beast Week

(Yes! Non-fiction is eligible as well)


Some Louis L'Amour
(Good recommendations anyone?) 

The Walt Longmire mystery series by Craig Johnson
(Which I CANNOT vouch for as yet... not having done much research on them ;P)

So there ye are!

Now I'm off to wash a tremendous load of dishes and try a new applesauce cake recipe I stumbled across yesterday. I can't wait to hear what you all think and do remember to share the buttons and also post about the challenge if you're interested!!

What think you? Would you like to join me?

(P.S. And what do you think of the new blog look? It's very new so I'm still getting used to it, but it's so spring-y and fresh and warm out this week, and I've sooooo been looking forward to spring arriving, that I had to do something. ;))


  1. I think I want to do this. I have lists all over the place (on library account,on Goodreads, in my bullet journal, in bookmarks) and then I pick what what I feel like reading. I think though that I can still be flexible with this.

  2. YAY!!!!!!

    This is so exciting!!! I'm taking a bit of a blogging break so I will put out my list of what I want to read in April, but I will grab a button!!! This is so exciting I can't stop smiling!!

    Oh you header, it took my breath away.


    1. Here is my list!

    2. Here is my first review! I have read others, but I haven't had the chance to review them yet!

    3. Here is my second update!

  3. Do I have Louis L'Amour suggestions?

    Yes . . . I have Louis L'Amour suggestions.




  4. Oooh, I totally want to join! I read a lot and have my challenge up on goodreads... but this might help give me the motivation to actually review the books I read.. :)

    What if we've already read some books this year, can we count those towards the ARC challenge?

    Also, I love the new blog look!

  5. I'm in! Working on a post about it, but for now, sign me up as a Wrangler. You know I tend to read as the winds of interest blow me, but for sure, I intend to read the following books:

    "Hood," "Scarlet," and "Tuck" by Stephen Lawhead
    "Swallows and Amazons" by Arthur Ransome
    "The Land of Stories" by Chris Colfer
    "The Great Gatsby" by F. Scott Fitzgerald. I'm planning to lead a Gatsby read-along this summer!

    As for Louis L'Amour, I loooooooooove Hondo. I've read it at least 3 times.

  6. What a great idea!
    I had promised myself; no reading challenges this year, but I'll have to break that for I do not want to miss this;)
    I will be wise like you and try to start out with the Explorer level

    And your new blog design is gorgeous! It just screams spring:)

  7. It looks like you have composed a nice list of books to read.

    I loved the book "Belle" by Cameron Dokey! I love her books.

    I would be curious to see your reviews of any Louis L'Amour books you read. I tried reading Hondo, but I never really got into it.

  8. I decided to only count books I started reading AFTER signing up for the challenge, so here is my first review: The Merchant's Daughter by Melanie Dickerson. :-)

  9. Okay, I'm FINALLY here to "join in". ;)
    I think I'll choose the explorer level. I expect/plan to read more books this year than just that, but there ARE some particular ones I want to re-read, so I thought I'd use them for the challenge. :)
    Here they are:
    Catrin in Wales by Mabel Esther Allan
    Northanger Abbey by Jane Austen
    Peter Pan by J. M. Barrie
    A Tale of Two Cities by Charles Dickens

    I'm looking forward to what you think of "A Man Called Outlaw"!

    1. I've read all my challenge choices so far except for ATOC. Here's the posts where I "review" them:

  10. My second book read for the challenge is The Searchers: The Making of an American Legend by Glenn Frankel. My review is here.

  11. Hello!
    My name is Sarah Levesque and I am the Assistant Editor of Fellowship and Fairydust Publications, a Christian-based online magazine and blog. We are currently looking for new contributors to join our merry band, and we think you'd be a perfect fit! I'm loving your blog - my mom and I had this phase where everything was period drama (or Doctor Who) and we watched everything we could get! We're slightly less obsessed at the moment, but I still love it. But I digress.
    Our goal at F&F is to inspire faith and creativity and explore the arts through a spiritual lens. We publish everything from original fiction to fanfiction to spiritual reflections to book and movie reviews. Check out our websites (yes there are two - we're working on consolidating) at and Please let us know what you think by emailing us at! Looking forward to hearing from you!
    Sarah Levesque
    Assistant Editor
    Fellowship and Fairydust Publications

  12. Hello, this is a lovely blog! I would love to do this reading challenge! I will take a button too (they are all so lovely!) I haven't come up with my list yet but when I do I will be sure to give you a link. You have a Lovely blog!

    1. Also, I tagged you, but you don't have to do it if you don't want to.

  13. Book 8 for me is Echoes of Sherlock Holmes edited by Laurie R. King & Leslie S. Klinger. Review is here :-)

  14. I've read my tenth book! It's As You Wish by Cary Elwes with Joe Layden, a memoir of the making of The Princess Bride.

    1. My 12th book is A Sidekick's Tale by Elisabeth Grace Foley, and I am done with this challenge! Yeehaw!


I'd love to hear your thoughts and look forward to further confabulation. Please just be courteous to one and all. Oh, and I love thoughts on old posts, so comment away!

(Also of late -- what with time being finite, and Life Happening + managing multiple blogs and computer issues and all that -- I sometimes have to alternate between creating new content and replying to comments, but rest assured I'm thrilled to hear from each and every one of you and always hope to reply thoughtfully in full ASAP. <3)

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