Saturday, August 3, 2024

Inklings || August 2024

Happy August everyone and thank you so much again for your patience! I hope your summer's going swimmingly well. As you can see, I've taken the plunge (why I keep thinking of water metaphors... it's ridiculous; I'm sorry, I really am), but anyway, I've taken the plunge and we have a couple major changes to our link up! The previous graphic was always beautiful, but I felt the need to mix things up a bit, so decided to make a new one for us with this beautiful picture I took on our trip in June. (Brings up lots of happy thoughts. <3)

And as you will see below, I've made a serious upgrade to the way you can leave links. Going forward, you'll just leave your post urls in the widget for everyone else to immediately and easily access (v. leaving them in the comments section). The new method has the added advantage of keeping the prompts and corresponding posts all together too, which is nice. I think it'll work really really well. (I did post all the June entries in this post as before, though. So make sure to check those out if you haven't been able to yet.) 

I think that's it for the big changes. And below you will find our August prompt!


1. At any time during the month, on your own blog post a scene from a book or film that matches the prompt, including a link back here in your post.

2. Make sure to come back and leave a link to your entry in the box on this post. That's it!


June Round-Up:

(prompt: an archery scene)

Chloe // Brave

Heidi // Emma

Ivy Miranda // The Princess Diaries 2

Lizzie Hexam // Prince Caspian


August's prompt is:

A scene by the ocean in book or film

(I just couldn't resist. xD) My entry is this moment from the 2007 Persuasionwhen the party from Uppercross first comes out on the beach while visiting Lyme. 

I always think of this scene whenever we go to the ocean, especially during those first moments of seeing the sea again -- spread out to the horizon -- and then of running out across the sand to meet it. 

(And then, of course, there are all the additional Story Reasons why I love this scene in the film. ;))

You can pop your links below:

Have fun! Would love to hear if you've been able to visit an ocean or which one you'd most like to visit in the future. (And let me know in the comments how the new system is working for you. <3)


  1. Ah, this is such an iconic scene...though I admit I've never watched the 2007 version! I take it you'd recommend it? ;)

    1. Lizzie,
      You're the first to use our fancy new link system! Congratulations, so exciting! Looking forward to reading your entry. :)

      And yes! So, IMHO, there still has not been an absolutely perfect Persuasion adaptation. That said, personally I love the '07 version. If you're interested, I reviewed it here, once upon a time: I still agree with everything I said in there, with the addition that (while I will always miss the letter writing scene -- one of the finest scenes in all of Austen's work, and very possibly English literature entirely), the ending in the film did grow on me once I discovered it was inspired by her original ending and that at least the filmmakers had done their homework.

    2. Thank you! Mr. Linky worked perfectly :)

      Oh lovely, I will definitely check out your review! I've only seen the '95 version, which I enjoyed, but I agree that it wasn't perfect.

  2. Lovely scene! Thanks again for hosting this link-up, it’s quite enjoyable ;))

    Mr. Linky seemed to ignore my description of my chosen scene, so it’s a selection from Edmund Spenser’s Amoretti LXXV.

    Thanks again, and wonderful post!

    1. Astrya,
      Aww, thank you <3 and so happy you're enjoying it!! :)

      Oh no ! I'll definitely look into it and thanks for letting me know. Did you write the description in the same box right after your name?

    2. You’re so welcome! 😉


  3. Oh this sounds so fun! Also hello, what a lovely blog!
    ~ Miss Evelyn

  4. I don't think I've rewatched this version of Persuasion since I read the book! I should fix that.


I'd love to hear your thoughts and look forward to further confabulation. Please just be courteous to one and all. Oh, and I love thoughts on old posts, so comment away!

(Also of late -- what with time being finite, and Life Happening + managing multiple blogs and computer issues and all that -- I sometimes have to alternate between creating new content and replying to comments, but rest assured I'm thrilled to hear from each and every one of you and always hope to reply thoughtfully in full ASAP. <3)

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