Monday, November 25, 2013

Trip Pictures!!!

This turned out to be a verrrry long post...but I did cut down on it. I actually did. ;-) We saw a lot of countryside and the fall colors were amazing. :-) Enjoy!

In the garden before leaving home - Licorice & Marigolds

The Denver skyline - on the way to shopping at the Asian market

One of my favorite spots ;-)

Wyoming - the sky cleared and turned...absolutely gorgeous


Utah again

Idaho - mountain stream and pines

Stream and cabin

A beautifully restored steam traction engine

Heading west - morning in eastern Washington 

Fields to the sky - central Washington State

Overlooking the mighty Columbia...

Barn with wind turbines in the background (and a bit of car window reflection - actually a rather neat effect in this particular picture)

Up in the mountains that first formed my idea of mountains way back when. (The photo on the bottom half of my "Ellen" cover was taken up near here, but that's another story. ;-))

And...fall colors

At...the...zoo!!!! :-)

It was fairly misty, so a little tricky to get many animal pictures, but the foliage ones turned out great


There's an elephant... ;-)

Northern wolves

Our cows have this very expression when they want something. (This cow elk was watching us eat our lunch.)

Brown bear

After walking all over and back again he finally got tired


New Short-Clawed Otters - the size of puppies they were too cute!

In and out of the water

And...the red panda did not want his picture taken - much too busy


So I settled for the sign

And then...the event :-)

Wedding roses!

Aren't they gorgeous?

Dahlias at the lovely (and delicious) rehearsal dinner

Fun shoes!

Back in Idaho

Good pizza

The pizzeria building used to be a garage

Gelato! (I'd read about it, but never actually seen it in person.)

This was hanging on the wall and reminded me of-well, you know-a certain costume drama :-)

Tamarack pines against blue sky

Some festive creatures with whom we formed an acquaintance

Snow in the mountains - heading east

Site of the Battle of the Little Bighorn. You can see the monument at the top of the hill - distant center

And of my favorite shots of the entire trip ;-)

Wyoming...lots and lots of pictures - story atmosphere!!!!!

And...finally...home again, home again-safe and sound :-)


  1. I love pictures! Looks like you had a great trip! I enjoyed all the gorgeous nature shots. God's world is so amazing!

    1. Rachel!
      Thank you so much for commenting... :-) And I'm glad you liked them. ;-)

  2. Lovely pictures and nice weather! Thank you for sharing them.

    1. Mrs. Schmitt,
      Please do forgive my tardiness in replying. Quite inexcusable....

      But I wanted to say "thank you" for commenting. It's such an encouragement to have you following me! :-)

  3. I decided to take a peek at some of your very early posts! I LOVE this one! The photos are soooo beautiful. Goodness. The sky, the clouds, the rolling hills. It's all so gorgeous!!! :)
    The zoo pictures now make me want to visit a zoo. haha :D


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(Also of late -- what with time being finite, and Life Happening + managing multiple blogs and computer issues and all that -- I sometimes have to alternate between creating new content and replying to comments, but rest assured I'm thrilled to hear from each and every one of you and always hope to reply thoughtfully in full ASAP. <3)