Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Two Facets of Autumn...

I'm working on trip photos, and in the next week or so hope to share some! In the meanwhile, two of my current–and contiguous–perspectives on different aspects of this fine autumn season…

The Song of the Wayfaring Tree Fairy
My shoots are tipped with buds as dusty-grey
As ancient pilgrims toiling on their way.

Like Thursday's child with far to go, I stand,
All ready for the road to Fairyland;

With hood, and bag, and shoes, my name to suit,
And in my hand my gorgeous tinted fruit.
Cicely Mary Barker

And this one just had to be shared (the current Bertie quote I have going through my head); in my case, for "bracers" read "morning coffee"strong and dark. :-)

“I reached out a hand from under the blankets, and rang the bell for Jeeves. 

“Good evening, Jeeves.” 

“Good morning, sir.” 

This surprised me. 

“Is it morning?” 

“Yes, sir.” 

“Are you sure? It seems very dark outside.” 

“There is a fog, sir. If you will recollect, we are now in autumn–season of mists and mellow fruitfulness.” 

“Oh? Yes. Yes, I see. Well, be that as it may, get me one of those bracers of yours, will you?” 

~ P.G. Wodehouse, The Code of the Woosters ~

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