Friday, June 27, 2014

Some Sewing Projects

Following are a few of the sewing projects I've been working on over the last few months!

Toddler dress in blue roses

An Easter dress for one sister

And a Leisl Play Dress for another sister

Inspired by...

this one.

Also (back in March), our entire family was privileged to attend a period dress ball! It was English Country dancing (like in the Austen films) and very fun. I made a couple dresses for it beforehand: a Regency dress for myself and this Molly-inspired jumper for my mother. It was the first project I've ever done to have pleats in the front and gathers in the back. :-)

See the pleats and gathers?

 And my dress (which was actually extremely comfortable)!

And finally, last (but not least) my tiered Western Wildflowers skirt...


  1. WELL DONE, Heidi! You are a talented seamstress! I especially love the Liesl dress, but I think all of them are very well made! I love your bun in the picture too. :-)
    Thanks for sharing!

    1. Naomi--
      Thank you, my dear! ;-) I'm so glad you liked the Leisl dress and everything else... And you're welcome!

  2. How lovely!! I wish I could sew like that! I've only ever made one dress - well, actually, I've made one and a half! :-p Oh, a ball! How wonderful! My family and I attend a Civil War Ball in the fall every year that we all really enjoy, but I must say that I would really like to attend an period dress ball - well, now that I think about it we did! It was an American History Ball a few years back and I went as a 1950's house-wife (my memory isn't the you can tell). Still, the one you attended sounded wonderfully lovely.

    1. Sarah, thank you!! And "one and a half dresses..." I was laughing with you about that. I have a number of half projects in my bin (that each ran into some issue along the way) and that I'm not sure I even want to see again...but maybe someday the inspiration will overcome me--or I'll give them to a creative sister to make up something amazing. :-) The American History Ball sounds like it must have been fun! I love seeing old house dresses! Did you make yours then?

  3. Really pretty dresses, you are very talented to have made them yourself.
    And you got to go to a period ball? You are so lucky, wish I could do that too!

    1. Thank you! I'm so glad you liked them! And yes, the ball was a lot of fun. Thank you so much for commenting! :-)

  4. Amazing! I just finished making a nightgown for my 4-year-old. It took me MONTHS. I am in awe of your speed and skill!

    1. Thank you! And congratulations on the nightgown!! :-) As a side note, I think picking out the fabric for nightgowns can be a lot of fun. You can enjoy and be expressive with a color/print you really like...but might not ordinarily wear. :-)

    2. Fabric shopping with little kids is fun, because you never know what will catch their eye! In this case, it was a little predictable: Minnie Mouse. But I've made some little skirts out of fabric I wouldn't have chosen myself, but that turned out really cute.

      I like your tiered skirt! I have fabric that I'd like to use for a similar skirt, only I have three different prints, all blue-and-white and all involving flowers. I was hoping to get it made this spring, but it didn't happen. Maybe later this summer still!

    3. Exactly! :-) And oh, the blue-and-white floral skirt sounds lovely. I love the freshness of blue and white paired together. (That's how I'm decorating my room at the moment. :-)) But your it the tiered, swing-y peasant-style one you mentioned a while ago? I'd love to see a picture of it when you're finished with it!! :-)

    4. Yes, exactly that skirt. You're inspiring me -- after breakfast, I might pull it all out and start on it! This is my last week before we start doing schoolwork again, so this would be a perfect time to work on it.

      BTW, I love the print for that "Molly" dress you made for your mom!

    5. I got your picture (and hope to reply soon), but just to tell you--the prints are gorgeous!! I really like the vine one at the top. I'm so glad I was able to help provide inspiration! ;-)

      And thank you! We actually got it at a sale and then I recently found it at Walmart as well. It's a very nice weight weave, though and I think has a real 1830's-ish vintage-y feel. :-)

    6. I realized when I got my fabric out that my vine print is a lot like the one you used, only in blue and white instead. And I think I got that one at Walmart, so that would make sense!

  5. How beautiful!! I really like the lace you put on the Molly gown. So pretty!
    And I love your dress-especially the color! :)

    1. Thank you, Natalie! I'm so glad you liked them! :-) And yes, that lace was fun. I found it on Amazon. Buying online can be an adventure (especially with time constraints) so when it came I was glad to see how well it ended up working out! And I'm so glad you like the blue... Up close the print is kind of a medley of bluebell-ish type flowers. :-)

    2. Yes, it certainly did come out well!
      I have a question-did you also make the dress in the first picture? The one that says "Dress Parade 2014"? If so, I love it! I've always loved civil war era hoop-skirt dresses! I really hope I can make myself one sometime. Do you have a hoop-skirt? AKA crinoline? :)

    3. Yes, I did (a number of years ago)! And thank you! It's one of my favorites, too. :-) The print is an authentic 1800's reprint--teal-ish blue branches on a navy background. And (I don't know if it shows up in the picture), but I put three strips of satin ribbon around the skirt above the hem--so that feels very hoop-skirt-ish. :-) I do have a full 'wedding-dress' type petticoat I've worn with it, but earlier this year a friend loaned us a hoop-skirt to try out (and the grass was just greening up) so we had a fun photo shoot. :-)

  6. Wow, an authentic 1800's reprint? Where did you get that?
    Oh yes, that must have been so much fun! Photo shoots are fun, but with a hoop-skirt? That must be even more fun! :)

    1. Yes, it's definitely one of my favorites! We got the fabric online quite a number of years ago and (I do apologize), but I really can't remember exactly where. If I ever run across it, though, I'll let you know. And yes, the photo shoot was a lot of fun! The hoop-skirt was most delightfully swing-y and it was such fun to genuinely "pick up your skirts" when moving from one place to another. :-)


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