Monday, June 30, 2014

~ Twin Calves and Some More of the Beauties of June ~

Last week, we were most delightfully surprised by the (joint) arrival of these two cute little friends! :-)

And...a few more recent farm additions and early summer beauties...

Day old chicks

One of the pigs -- philosophizing in early morning sunshine

Dyer's Chamomile in bloom



Queen Anne's Lace


  1. Oh so beautiful! What kind of cows are they? Gorgeous pictures, all of them!


    1. Thank you, Reyna! And thank you so much for commenting! The two calves are a Jersey-Fleckvieh cross. ...And they're both heifers! (So we're pretty excited about that. :-))

  2. They are so cute!!!
    It must be wonderful to live at a farm at this time of the year

    1. Thank you, Rose! They are a lot of fun. :-) And yes, the farm seems just beautiful right now... I'm so glad I can share some of it! ;-)

  3. Beautiful post! Your new calves are adorable. : )


    1. Sarah, thank you and thank you so much for commenting! I'm so glad you enjoyed it! Yes, the calves are super cute... We have them in a paddock near the house and they've been proving quite the distraction! :-)

  4. Chickory and Queen Anne's Lace are my favorite wildflowers. I see Chickory along the road around here a lot, but I haven't seen any QAL for a long time. It makes me miss my country girlhood in Michigan!

    1. Kindred spirits!! :-) I love that chicory and Queen Anne's Lace! Growing up in western Washington, we always had more bleeding hearts and forget-me-not's (which we loved picking), but the Queen Anne's Lace makes me feel so story-bookish--Anne of Green Gables-ish or something. Oh! And what'd you think of the calves?

  5. How beautiful the animals are...and cute! May I ask what kind of chicks you have, for they are adorable! The flowers are stunning as well, especially the Queen Anne's Lace - it's been my favorite since childhood. :-)

    1. Thank you, Sarah! :-)

      I think they're Brown Leghorns, which is a different breed than we've had before, so we're curious to see how they'll turn out. They're supposed to be good layers. And I agree! the Queen Anne's Lace is just beautiful. :-)

    2. All of your animals are precious! Have you chosen names for the caffs yet? We've had Leghorns before and our hen was an excellent mother - we always liked the way she was with her chicks (actually they weren't hers, she stole some other hens eggs!): very gentle and sweet. Our female Leghorn Lady was a very good setter as well - whenever there was a stray egg she would almost always try and hatch it out. :)

      Whenever I see Queen Anne's Lace I am always reminded of the fun times with my sister when we were little...AND Anne of Green Gables "It's the last Queen Anne's Lace of the summer."

    3. I agree! And they can be sooo much fun. :-) And no, we're still working on names... That's so funny about your Leghorn hens! They can actually have quite the personality, can't they? (Or whatever it's called in a chicken. :-))

      And exactly! It makes me feel so story-bookish to the Queen Anne's Lace growing across the pastures and about the house. There's just something about it... :-)

  6. Beautiful pictures!

    Btw, you have been nominated for the Sunflower Blogger Award at my blog, here:

    1. Thank you, Cryslyn! I'm glad you enjoyed them! :-)

      And thanks so much for the nomination! I'm looking forward to it...

  7. The calves are beautiful! I also loved the photo of the chicory!

    1. Bethany, thank you! Isn't that chicory gorgeous? :-) And thank you so much for commenting!

  8. Such cute calves and they are twins!! it will be so fun to watch them grow playing around together... beautiful flowers and those chicks are just adorable. Thanks for sharing.


    1. Yes, it was so exciting to find them both! And it is tremendous fun watching them have fun together--especially when they start running around. :-) And you're welcome! I'm so glad you enjoyed all of them!


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