Friday, August 22, 2014

Western trip pictures #3: Into Yellowstone!

And then we were on into Yellowstone!!!

Clock in the lobby at Lake Yellowstone Lodge

Sightseers in The Grand Canyon of the Yellowstone

There were wildflowers everywhere

Tower Falls

Hiking the mountain ridge above the Yellowstone River

On the Upper Terrace of Mammoth Hot Springs

The mouth of a different hot springs that flows down to meet the Boiling River. There must have been about 50 people wading and sitting in the water where the two came together. It’s sauna temperature water where the two meet, but if you go too close to where the hot water comes in, it's scalding hot. Hot enough to quite easily boil an egg.

The Boiling River

Out the MT entrance for some ice cream, which was very good (mine was caramel chunks in vanilla)

Back into the Park

A green Hayden Valley

The Natural Bridge

Lake Yellowstone with the Absaroka Mountain Range in the distance

Mystic Falls

Some of us hiked up to the lookout over the Old Faithful Geyser Basin

Watching Old Faithful erupt from across the Basin

And a smaller eruption just off the boardwalk

The Firehole River (which had a delightful swimming spot further upstream)

And hiking just beside the Yellowstone River

The Upper Falls of The Yellowstone

And the Lower Falls into the Grand Canyon of the Yellowstone


  1. Lovely pictures, Heidi.
    It must have been quite an unforgettable trip.
    Love your new Header by the way - is that picture also from Yellowstone?

    1. Rose -- Oh, I'm so glad you commented here!!! This was probably one of my favorite parts of the trip. :-)

      And thank you about the header! And yes, it is... It's a different angle on the Grand Canyon and Lower Falls of the Yellowstone--quite utterly breathtaking!

  2. I can't wait for my kids to be a bit older so we can take a bit trip out west and see Yellowstone! I was there when I was like 3 and I really don't remember it at all. I want them to be old enough to remember it, at least. Gorgeous pictures! Especially those waterfalls.

    1. Hamlette,
      Oh, I do hope you can sometime!! It's all pretty utterly and entirely splendid. :-) And there's so much there (just on the main loops) that it's great if you can spend at least a couple days so you don't have to rush.

      And thank you! I'm so glad you liked them! I I mentioned my WIP in my other comment on the Tetons, so I'll go ahead and drop a little hint here. :-) At least two pivotal/major scenes in my story happen in the Grand Canyon of the Yellowstone. There's something about it that just gets into you--I can't imagine placing them anywhere else! ;-)

    2. Ooooh! Very exciting :-) I love how locations can just grab a writer and insist to be used!


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(Also of late -- what with time being finite, and Life Happening + managing multiple blogs and computer issues and all that -- I sometimes have to alternate between creating new content and replying to comments, but rest assured I'm thrilled to hear from each and every one of you and always hope to reply thoughtfully in full ASAP. <3)