Friday, August 22, 2014

Western trip pictures #4: The Tetons (and back across WY)

 South into Teton National Park...

After ferrying across Jenny Lake, we hiked up to the falls

And then some of us continued on up to the overlook (you can see one of the ferryboats to the bottom left of the sign)

Chipmunks were everywhere!

It was raining again when we reached the other side and I was able to get these bluebells


Looking for a moose…

And after driving numerous places after dinnersearching for wildlifewe discovered five young antlered bucks just beside the gas station/convenience story parking lot by the campground

A few of us did some sunrise photography

And then heading home across more of WY...

A fancy Walmart

Devils Tower

Hiking around the back of Devils Towerthis gorgeous view suddenly spread out in front of us.

And part of the last bit of the adventure—a delicious breakfast at Egg Harbor Café in Wisconsin.


  1. *In Lizzy Bennet's voice*


    1. Thank you, Naomi! And oooh yes! Very Lizzy-ish, indeed!! ;-)

  2. I love your western trip series, all of the photos are just amazing the natural scenery leaves me speechless. Thanks for sharing such wonderful posts.


    1. Laura -- You're most welcome and I'm so glad you liked them! It all leaves me pretty speechless, too. Some of the places just take your breath away. :-)

  3. Love the photos of the lake, falls, mountains, and barns! Devil's Tower looks pretty neat too! Great pics!

    1. I'm so glad you enjoyed them, Bethany! :-) And yes, Devils Tower was just the wildest thing...completely different than all the other hills around it.

  4. That second sunrise picture, the one of the barn all glowy and full of promise -- my favorite picture from all these posts of yours. Wow.

    1. Hamlette! Yes, that was a pretty amazingly spectacular spot. With the mountains and the barns turned full to the sunrise...

      If you ever visit the Tetons, the barn area as a whole is called "Mormon Row". Until about thirty Mormon families moved in in the 1890's, the area was known as "The Bachelor Valley". Good story material, that...and my WIP is set around 1880--which should be perfect! ;-)

    2. I went to the Tetons when I was like 6. My dad fell in love with them, but I don't really remember them. :-( Someday I'll go back, and I hope I remember to look for "Mormon Row." Also, "Bachelor Valley" would be a splendid title, wouldn't it?

    3. It would be! And quite full of potential. :-)


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(Also of late -- what with time being finite, and Life Happening + managing multiple blogs and computer issues and all that -- I sometimes have to alternate between creating new content and replying to comments, but rest assured I'm thrilled to hear from each and every one of you and always hope to reply thoughtfully in full ASAP. <3)