Also, Natalie (from Raindrops on Roses and Whiskers on Kittens) has just started this delightful tag and when I saw it I couldn't wait to get started! Thank you, Natalie! (Note: Unless specified, all of the following books/pictures are my personal copies or exact matches.)
~ The Bookshelf Tag ~
Describe your bookshelf (or wherever it is you keep your books-it doesn't actually have to be a shelf!) and where you got it from: Let’s see… Some of my books are on their own shelves in the library of our (new) house, some are on other shelves mixed in with the family’s historical fiction, and some are in a corner of the attic bookshelves (in our ‘old’ dwelling ;)). My current reading is stacked on my lovely big cedar hope chest in my bedroom (along with my fiddle case), and I have a few more piled in my closet for good measure.
Do you have any special or different way of organizing your books? ~ All my standby’s/classics have their own, very specific niches. I like organizing a lot of our historical fiction (including mine) by date and a lot of my other books are grouped by collection or by what looks well together (size, color, etc). I’m actually quite particular.
What's the thickest (most amount of pages) book on your shelf? ~ It would be a toss-up between Les Mis or Count of Monte Cristo. (I just checked—Les Mis wins by one page: 1463 over 1462! :))
What's the thinnest (least amount of pages) book on your shelf? ~ Manalive by G.K. Chesterton.
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(Yes, Natalie--we're twinsies! ;)) |
What's the thinnest (least amount of pages) book on your shelf? ~ Manalive by G.K. Chesterton.
Is there a book you received as a birthday gift? ~ A favorite: Downright Dencey by Caroline Dale Snedeker.
What's the smallest (height and width wise) book on your shelf? ~ My (illustrated by Tasha Tudor) copy of Psalm 23.
What's the biggest (height and width wise) book on your shelf? ~ Either my coffee table-type anthologies of Norman Rockwell and N.C. Wyeth (they’re the same size). Or…no, I think my favorite southwest cookbook is actually a little bigger (along with the matching Italian and Tuscany books).
Is there a book from a friend on your shelf? ~ Several! To select: The Country Diary of an Edwardian Lady by Edith Holden and The World of Mr. Mulliner by P.G. Wodehouse. (Hmmm, that was two...)
Most expensive book? ~ My parents have given me several special ones, but the most expensive I’ve purchased myself was Rider on a White Horse by Rosemary Sutcliff ($30).
The last book you read on your shelf? ~ Persuasion by Jane Austen.
Of all the books on your shelf, which was the first you read? ~ According to my reading log (and after picture books): An Old Fashioned Girl by Louisa May Alcott in March(!) of ‘96. (Wow, was it actually that long ago?!?)
Do you have more than one copy of a book? ~ Yes! Oh, dear me, yes! We actually have quite a few doubles floating about (between mine and/or a siblings’ copy of something or a ‘family’/loaning copy). Personally, I have double copies of several of Augusta Jane Evans’ books: A Speckled Bird, St. Elmo, etc.
Do you have the complete series of any book series? ~ Not counting ‘collections’ (matching books by the same author), I have the entire Borrowers series by Mary Norton.
What's the newest addition to your shelf? ~ Wordsmithy by Doug Wilson.
What book has been on your shelf FOREVER? ~ For a picture book: Once Inside the Library by Barbara A. Huff.
What's the most recently published book on your shelf? ~ The Princess and the Prince by Victoria Stringer.
The oldest book on your shelf (as in, the actual copy is old)? ~ I have quite a few old bindings, but some are tricky as the copyright is mid-1800’s, but I think they might be 1875-1902-ish reprints. To be quite positive: my copy of To Have and To Hold by Mary Johnston was definitely published in 1900.
A book you won? ~ Shane by Jack Schaefer.
A book you'd hate to let out of your sight (aka a book you never let someone borrow)? ~ Journey for a Princess by Margaret Leighton. To paraphrase the Queen of Hearts (with a British accent), “NEVER!”
Most beat up book? ~ The Missourian by Eugene P. Lyle. Published in 1905 it was pretty worn before I got it and I’ve (carefully) tried to avoid adding too much with all my page turning. Montgomery’s Blue Castle and Wodehouse’s Code of the Woosters are two paperbacks I’m in the process of reading to pieces.
Most pristine book? ~ As in read yet still crisply paged? Maybe Dante’s Divine Comedy.
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(I first read it with this gorgeous cover; however, my copy sadly lost it's jacket somewhere before it found its new home... :P) |
A book that's not actually your book? ~ Fierce Wars and Faithful Loves: Book 1 of Edmund Spenser’s The Faerie Queene edited by Roy Maynard. (It’s a family book—and I don’t have a double. ;))
A book with a special/different cover (e.g. leather bound, soft fuzzy cover etc.)? ~ No, I don’t think I have any (except for my Bible, of course).
A book that is your favorite color? ~ Pink and blue are my favorite colors, but with book bindings I like green a lot as well (possibly due to reading A Speckled Bird so many times)! Sticking with blue, though, I LOVE my Dover edition of The Flying Inn by G.K. Chesterton.
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Isn't it beautiful? |
And…because we're talking about blue and this has some (and is also one of the most amazing covers ever):
And since that picture really doesn't do it justice:
Any signed books? ~ Yes, when I was about fifteen one of my closest friends published a book and I still have my authentic signed copy!
Thanks again, Natalie! This was such fun!
And everyone else, remember the tag is open! I'm pasting the questions down here again so you can easily copy them if you like.
Describe your bookshelf (or wherever it is you keep your books-it doesn't actually have to be a shelf!) and where you got it from:
Do you have any special or different way of organizing your books?
What's the thickest (most amount of pages) book on your shelf?
What's the thinnest (least amount of pages) book on your shelf?
Is there a book you received as a birthday gift?
What's the smallest (height and width wise) book on your shelf?
What's the biggest (height and width wise) book on your shelf?
Is there a book from a friend on your shelf?
Most expensive book?
The last book you read on your shelf?
Of all the books on your shelf, which was the first you read?
Do you have more than one copy of a book?
Do you have the complete series of any book series?
What's the newest addition to your shelf?
What book has been on your shelf FOREVER?
What's the most recently published book on your shelf?
The oldest book on your shelf (as in, the actual copy is old)?
A book you won?
A book you'd hate to let out of your sight (aka a book you never let someone borrow)?
Most beat up book?
Most pristine book?
A book from your childhood?
A book that's not actually your book?
A book with a special/different cover (e.g. leather bound, soft fuzzy cover etc.)?
A book that is your favorite color?
Book that's been on your shelf the longest that you STILL haven't read?
Any signed books?
I like the new layout. Visibility is great and it's nice and bright and cheery looking.
ReplyDeleteI haven't really payed too much attention to my bookshelves since I started primarily buying ebooks. I've still got plenty of them old timey type books but I don't really do anything special as far as shelving them any more. Just put stuff where I have room.
DeleteThanks! I'm glad you like it.
Yes, I haven't done a lot with ebooks personally (though my dad and brother have), but the old timey books definitely have a way of getting disorganized. I think that'll hopefully be one of my summer projects -- organizing all those attic books that are waiting in stacks or been shelved in odd places.
This looks like so much fun! I'll have to do it! :) I remember reading the Borrower's books when I was young and loving them. I want to re-read them this year actually. How many are there?
DeleteI hope you can do it -- I'd love to read your answers! And yes, I don't know how many times I've read (and/or listened) to the Borrowers. :) The regular series has five: The Borrowers, The Borrowers Afield, The Borrowers Afloat, The Borrowers Aloft, and The Borrowers Avenged.
Yay!!! Thanks for answering the questions, Heidi! :)
ReplyDeleteFirst off, your new blog design is GORGEOUS. I love it so much! So springy and lovely. :)
As to your, there are so many books I've never heard of! I'll have to write down some titles...haha, I love that we both own the same Les Mis....I love An Old-Fashioned Girl...and that cover is SO beautiful.
And The Scarlet Pimpernel cover!
Loved your answers! :)
DeleteThank you! I'm so glad you're excited! :D (And that you loved my answers.... you did a great job with the questions! ;))
Enjoyed reading your answers . . . and by the way, I absolutely LOVE your new blog design! So pretty! :-)
DeleteI'm so happy you enjoyed the answers and love the new look! :) Thank you!!
Heidi, I just LOVE your new spring-ish look! :) Also I really enjoyed reading your answers - they were lovely as well! :)
DeleteThank you!! I'm so glad you love it (and enjoyed the answers)! ;)
Lovely new design, Heidi! The background is adorable. The only thing I might suggest is if you could make it so the background doesn't scroll with the page...I find that slightly bothersome, but otherwise, it looks delightful! :-)
ReplyDeleteI actually *gasp* don't think I've read any of these books! But several of them look very interesting. And I love your little book of the Twenty-Third Pslam illustrated by Tasha Tudor! I've never seen that before, but I'm a huge fan of Tasha Tudor's.
Isn't this such a fun tag? :-)
DeleteThank you! And thanks also for pointing that out about the background scroll. I figured out how to change it and it seems way better. What do you think?
I actually thought of you, too, with the mention of Tasha Tudor. :) I've had my illustrated copy of Psalm 23 for a long time (so it could also fall under the "book you've had forever" question) and then when we later discovered the Corgiville books (and the rest of her work ;)) I remember the feeling of amazing discovery when I realized it was she who had done my illustrated Psalm 23! So kind of a funny story.
And yes, this tag's been perfectly delightful! ;)
Wow, I've only heard of a few of those books you mentioned!:-P I guess I'll have to get on that!;)
ReplyDeleteIt's so fun reading others' answers to this tag...
DeleteOh good, I'm so glad to 'introduce' you ;) -- and whenever you're able to read them I hope you enjoy them!
Heidi! Your new blog look is so fresh and Easter-y! I love it! :-)
ReplyDeleteThis tag is so fun to read, and yours wasn't an exception... let me see, what books have I read. Persuasion, of course (haha), an old-fashioned girl (wow, that's a long time ago!) and the Borrowers. Isn't 'the Borrowers' fun? I mean, about little people? It actually makes you believe in them, right? :-P
Oh, how I'm DYING to read 'The Scarlett Pimpernel!' I saw the movie and loved it, especially Sir Percy. Have you yet seen the movie? It's very good, despite some guillotine scenes (easily skipped, in my opinion.)
Wait - your house has a LIBRARY? Say that again?!!
~ Naomi
DeleteThank you and I'm so glad you love it! :)
Yes, I couldn't believe how long ago I first read Old Fashioned Girl -- especially as I remember it so distinctly! I thought it was pretty fun to discover I first read it in March, too.
No, I still haven't seen TSP yet! But (thanks to Natalie ;)), I do have the skippable scenes down, so I'm looking forward to seeing it soon-ish!
And yes, our new house does have a library! So far we have our stand-alone bookshelves moved over and the grand plan is to have some built in ones eventually and mayyybe window seats. :)
Heidi, your new blog design is gorgeous! I especially love the new background - very springlike.
ReplyDeleteWhat a fun tag! Really like your answers.
And what a wonderful cover on your "The Scarlet Pimpernel", the ones I read were just hardcovers without any pictures.
DeleteThank you!! And I'm so happy you liked the answers! :)
(And yes, I do LOVE my copy of TSP. ;) So glad you like it!)
I love the new blog background! Very springful.
ReplyDeleteI have all the Borrowers books too! I have a great love of miniature and/or tiny things, and those borrowers captured my heart early on. I find their ingenuity fascinating.
I've read The Scarlet Letter twice and don't blame you for not having read it yet.
DeleteThank you!! I've actually been going blog-background-happy and changed the one on Sharing the Journey, too -- so altogether I'm feeling quite pleased and spring-y at the moment. :)
And I'm so happy we both have/love the Borrowers! I love those stories through and through and still dream of swinging on a hedge like Arrietty. (Doesn't it sound marvelous? And exploring with all the grass stems swaying like vibrant, living stained-glass above your head? And catching dew drops? And picking gigantic primroses??)
Speaking of small things, I realized a couple days after I did the tag that my smallest book is an almost-Arrietty-sized rendition of The Nutcracker -- about 1"x1." Ah, well. It's still quite a bit fatter than my Psalm 23 book, so I guess either count.
And good! So glad you don't blame me about The Scarlet Letter. I haven't girded myself up to it yet/decided if I consider it worth the time. ;P
The Borrowers gave me a great desire to eat watercress sandwiches. Which turn out to be not as good as I'd always imagined them, but I did finally get to eat them a couple years ago.
DeleteThe Scarlet Letter. Sigh. It's worth the read, it is... but it's a slog.