Saturday, July 5, 2014

Several General Blogging Announcements—and the Sunflower Award #2!

First off: Here’s a quick link some of you might find helpful… It’s a new blog for period drama screencaps. The site is beautiful and well laid out, so I think it'll prove very handy (and I'll definitely be a regular visitor)!

Second: Due to various scheduled plans over the next month or so, I’m going to be taking a posting break here until (most likely) sometime in August. I have some positively splendiferous ideas for when I get back, though, that I can’t wait to share with you all! ;-) Oh, and while I’m not posting, do feel free to keep leaving comments anywhere you like. It may take me a little longer to get them up, but I’ll be delighted to find them! :-)

Third: Some of my summer reading plans! First: The Princess and the Prince (by a certain Victoria—and which looks extremely good :-)), and The Mark of Zorro by Johnston McCulley (per Hamlette’s recommendation). During some of my recent sewing, I also started listening to Our Mutual Friend. (The narrator is very good…just finishing Chapter 12 I’m already on tenterhooks.) For a couple more, there’s Arabella by Georgette Heyer (I haven’t read anything else of hers, but Arabella looks like a fun read so I’ll see if I can fit it in) and a reread of Persuasion.

Fourth: Cryslyn has nominated me for the Sunflower Award! So here are my answers:

1). What is your dream home? ~ I don’t have minute particulars for a dream home, but I would love a French blue and white or yellow kitchen. Also: plenty of books about and a print of this.

2). Do you have a current occupation? If not, what would you like for your future job to be? ~ I’m currently a most fully occupied daughter, sister, and writer.

3). Have you grown stronger spiritually in a specific area where you struggled before? How did God help you out of it? ~ This year has been quite exciting as it seems I’ve really been able to see God working in different ways. Not necessarily answering in the way I expect—but I’ve had several instances where something has happened and then, a couple months later, something else happens that has directly helped me sort out the previous occurrence. That’s been pretty exciting.

4). What is your favorite color to wear? ~ Blue! Though I do have a favorite sea foam green top and another plum colored one—and also a hot pink skirt I really like.

5). Name a place that you have always wanted to visit? ~ I love traveling out west… Also (I’m not sure what it would actually be like), but Africa, South America, and India are quite intriguing. 

6). Can you speak any other language besides that of your own ethnicity? ~ No, though I’d love to learn Spanish someday.

7). What is your favorite film? ~ Oh dear, dear, dear. How ever to choose? I like several different genres—so it really depends what frame of mind I’m in… And in one category, there are about four Austen’s and Gaskell’s vying for first place. Hmmm. To go with something I’ve already reviewed, how about Rob Roy?

8). If you could live in any time period, what would you choose? ~ Probably today (as I like where I live and can enjoy all the richness of literature from previous centuries, etc.), but any time from the late 1700’s to about 1910 would be fun, too.

9). Iced or hot coffee? ~ Generally hot, but I like all sorts of cold coffee drinks. 

10). Do you like, dislike, love, or adore my blog? (sorry, just had to ask that question. :)) ~ I think it quite lovely. :-)

Thank you for tagging me and for the delightful questions, Cryslyn!


  1. I enjoyed reading your answers to my questions, Heidi! Thank you for doing so!

    1. My pleasure, Cryslyn! Thanks so much for tagging me! :-)

  2. Coffeeeeeeeee! Lately, I've been brewing extra coffee in the morning, letting whatever I don't drink at breakfast go cold, then when I need a boost around 3pm, adding some milk and a bit of flavor and having iced coffee without the ice :-) But all good coffee is my friend.

    I hope you enjoy Zorro!

    1. Yay for coffee!! I did enjoy Zorro... It was pretty melodramatic, but melodrama can be great fun. :-) Btw, I read your Persuasion review and--I know it's not everyone's cup of tea (or coffee ;-))--but I really like it, so I was most relieved to see you didn't consign it to hopeless oblivion. :-)

    2. Hee! Nope, not hopeless oblivion. I forgot to mention in my review how completely awesome it was that they filmed some exteriors (maybe interiors too?) at Bath itself! The breakwater especially -- it was amazing to finally get to see what that was actually like. And the film as a whole was very pretty. I can see why so many people enjoy and love it!

  3. Oh, and thanks for linking to that blog! I'm following it -- looks most useful!

    1. Oh, good! I'm glad and you're most welcome!

  4. Great tag! I loved reading the answers! :D

    1. Thanks, Evie! I'm so glad you enjoyed them! :-)

  5. Lovely answers Heidi, I really enjoyed reading them my favorite color to wear is also blue. Hope you have a wonderful evening.


    1. Laura -- I'm so glad you enjoyed them! And that's so fun about the blue... :-) Isn't it just a gorgeous color?

  6. My, my, I wonder what you'll be announcing...

    1. Naomi! Sooo....I'm back and hoping to get something to you in the very near future! ;-)

  7. I know you're not home right now, but when you get back... I've nominated you for the Sunshine Award here on my blog.

    1. Hamlette, thanks so much! And I can't wait to hop in on your give-away... :-)

  8. Hi Heidi! Thanks for sharing your blog. It's been fun to take a brief tour. I'm looking forward to future posts!

    1. Erica! Thank you so much for commenting! I'm so glad you you visited and enjoyed it! You're most heartily welcome anytime... :-)


I'd love to hear your thoughts and look forward to further confabulation. Please just be courteous to one and all. Oh, and I love thoughts on old posts, so comment away!

(Also of late -- what with time being finite, and Life Happening + managing multiple blogs and computer issues and all that -- I sometimes have to alternate between creating new content and replying to comments, but rest assured I'm thrilled to hear from each and every one of you and always hope to reply thoughtfully in full ASAP. <3)