(2021 EDIT: I've noticed this post is getting a lot of traffic. You can click HERE for the wrap-up post to this party which has links to everyone's movie reviews and all sorts of other Cinderella-themed goodness. ;))
Hello all you dear and lovely peoples! Our Grand Cinderella party is now Officially Underway and it all promises to be marvelously exciting.
Now for all the Official Party Business.
#1: How it works
To participate, you can join in by reviewing one or more Cinderella titles (
found here) on your own blog AND/OR filling out the tag questions found below. (Really, that's all there is to it! ;))
#2: Further blogathon details
I'm simply floored to have so many wonderful friends sharing this week and soooo excited to see your posts soon!! Also, if you're just arriving, you're
absolutely welcome to jump in and join us. (Again, to see more and verify any details, you can visit my original post
HERE with all the titles, etc. -- and feel free to ask lots of questions.)
Important: when you complete any posts (reviews, your tag answers, etc.), paste your direct post links back here in a comment on this kick-off post as I'll be posting a grand link-up at the end of the week.
#3: Our tag questions
(And note: if you DON'T have a blog, you can fill your answers out in the comments section and use this post url to enter the giveaway. :))
Cinderella Party Tag:
1. In the vast array of fairytale heroines, what particular character qualities most define Cinderella?
2. What are some of the deeper, big picture differences you see between retellings where both stepsisters are nasty and others where one is nasty and one is kind? How do you think the two takes differently develop/illuminate/affect Cinderella’s character and also the overarching story itself?
3. Are you an animal lover? Would you eagerly count mice, lizards, cows, and geese as friends? Dogs and cats?
4. After asking question #3, I realized how remarkably many of the adaptations I’ve seen have Cinderella either horseback riding or involved with horses. Have you ever ridden? If so, have you ever ridden sidesaddle or bareback?
5. Your favorite Cinderella dress/s?
6. Do you ever think of Cinderella while doing your household chores? :)
7. What major character traits do you think are essential in a faithful prince?
8. Your top THREE favorite fairy tales (as in the original folk tales, not adaptations).
9. Your top FIVE current favorite fairy tale/legend type films (BESIDES any Cinderella adaptations).
10. If you could play Cinderella and the story could be set in any region of the world and any time period, what would you pick? And what would your dream ‘ball gown’ for it be like?
11. And (purely for fun :))… what color/s do you immediately associate with Cinderella?
#4: Cinderella Giveaways
My friend, Hamlette, is running an incredibly generous and absolutely
beautiful giveaway on her blog (I'm still whirling with excitement about her prizes) so be sure to hop right over and check them out!! ;D Her giveaway post is
And... following are the items I'm giving away here on The Brandywine! Due to region, the first two items are US and Canada only. The last item/s (handmade by my sister Arwen!) are open worldwide. :)
Cinderella 2015 DVD
Ever After DVD
(Actual copy may be a newer version) |
Princess beaded bracelets
(Both are done with stretchy elastic cord
and measure about the same size)
Enter here!
(I included a lot of directions in the Rafflecopter gadget, but again, if you don't have a blog, you can count tag answers filled out in the comments
as well as any guest posts.) Also, I can't make promises, but when leaving a comment, list your prize choices in order of preference and I'll do the best I can. ;)
Now let the fun begin! I'm SO excited for this week and can't wait to see what you all come up with!!! ;D
Cinderella Week!!!!
ReplyDeleteOh, Heidi--your header is absolutely GORGEOUS!! It's perfect for Cinderella--I love it :-)
The giveaway--MAN ALIVE, but those presents are something else. Gosh.
Okay . . . I think you said to give our top two choices, plus tell which bracelet is our favorite?
My choices:
1. Cinderella 2015
2. Ever After
3. Bracelet: I like the darker-blue one.
I'm so excited for this week!!
DeleteTHANK YOU!!! ;)
Yay Cinderella week is here!!!
ReplyDeleteOh and I have to second Jessica - that header is SO AWESOME!!
I've posted my first Cinderella review for The Glass Slipper 1955!! Here's the link. :D
DeleteThank you and most splendid! Looking forward to reading your review ASAP. :D
(I think--I think if I don't just MAKE myself not use caps-lock for this entire comment, I might very well faint. So I shall restrain myself.)
ReplyDeleteUm…I'm really excited. Like, you don't even know ;D IT'S HERE!!! I love the header, so much (that picture of Henri xD), it makes me really happy.
Let the awesomeness begin! I'm SO happy it's started.
Oh, here's a link to my first post: http://meanwhileinrivendell.blogspot.com/2016/01/the-grand-and-glorious-ella-enchanted.html
And NOW, as to the giveaway preferences…well, first of all, thank you SO MUCH for this week and this giveaway! It's so fun :D
My first preference would be the 2015 Cinderella DVD, and my second would be the ice-blue-and-white bracelet :)
Thanks again!!!!!! :D
Delete*grinning and running in with smelling salts :)*
And lovely -- I'm so looking forward to reading your review!!
Thanks loads for the smelling salts--you're a dear.
DeleteOh, and I've posted my tag answers!
…I suppose I ought to include the link to said tag answers. Ahem.
Entering the contest:
ReplyDeleteMy preferences:
1. Cinderella 2015
2. Ever After
3. Bracelet - light blue.
DeleteWonderful! :)
Your header is PERFECTLY AMAZING! In fact the blog itself is just charming, and exactly suited for a Cinderella week! I'm so excited for this!
ReplyDeleteHere is a link to my first post to contribute to the week:
Thank you so much for hosting, Heidi!
DeleteThank you, I'm so glad you like it! I'm hoping to read your post super soon. (And I love your profile pic! ;))
Thanks! I was hoping that someone would know what my picture was from! :D How fitting that it was the Cinderella hostess!
Delete*smiles* Of course! ;)
DeleteSo I've made a little game for Cinderella week. I don't know if you are interested in filling it out or not as you have so many other things to be doing this week for your Cinderella loveliness. :) My review and tag answers are to come later this week. But in the meantime, here is the link to the game:
Here are my tag answers, Heidi! Thanks for creating the tag! They were fun questions to think through. :)
Annnd here is the 1997 Cinderella review:
DeleteI just wanted to thank you for a fun Cinderella filled week. You have been so kind to check in with each of my post which I know wasn't easy with so many bloggers involved. I just wanted to thank you for doing that! I know I didn't 'official' sign up to review books but I just have this last post that I wrote for the end of Cinderella Week.
Thanks again. I have had so much fun this week. You did a wonderful job in my opinion! :D
Ohhh, thank you so much for the kind words, Cordy and all your wonderful posts! :)
DeleteHeidi, your new blog header is absolutely delightful!! I came onto your site and was like "Oooohhh, so much Ever After!!!! YES!!!" :D And then I counted all the Ever After scenes and found out that there was only three. But still!! Danielle's swan photo is perfectly darling! :)
ReplyDeleteAnd my goodness! Your prizes. are. AWESOME!! I think my top two choices would be:
1. Ever After
2. Cinderella 2015
This week is going to be so much fun!! Thank you SOOOOOO much for putting it together, Heidi! :D
Blessing Counter,
DeleteThank you!! I'm pretty thrilled about it. ;) And oh, good -- you're most welcome and I'm looking forward to your posts!
Okay--now for the tag!!
ReplyDelete1. I think Cinderella's most important distinguishing characteristics (as compared to other fairy-tale heroines) are: patience, obedience, optimism, and a desire to serve others. She chooses to care for her stepmother and stepsisters (even though they're so horrid to her) because she genuinely WANTS to take care of other people. She sees it as the right thing to do, and it makes her happy. And she never gives up hope of someday finding her own happily-ever-after.
2. Hmmmmmmm. If both sisters are equally nasty, the story as a whole is painting rather a bleaker picture of human nature, if that makes sense. Whereas, versions where one is evil and one is kind are taking a more hopeful view. Also--if both sisters are awful, Cinderella's sacrifices in taking care of them are much greater (since she's getting absolutely nothing in return). But, by the same token, if both sisters are evil then that means Cinderella has no opportunities to develop/experience any kind of friendship before she meets the prince, so that makes her much more of a "loner."
3. I . . . I guess I'm somewhere in the middle? I wouldn't call myself a HUGE animal lover, but I do consider our family cat to be a good friend, so . . . :-)
4. I have not ridden a horse since I was four years old and we went to a country fair where they were offering rides. I did enjoy the experience a good deal, however :-)
5. My top favorite is definitely Lily James' blue ball gown in the 2015 movie--but I also loved Carly Rae Jepsen's ball dress in the recent Broadway version.
6. No . . . perhaps that would be fun, though ;-)
7. I think first of all, he has to be truly faithful--obvious, yes, but it bears repeating! Once he has chosen his princess, he needs to stick by her no matter what :-) Other necessary qualities are kindness, patience, and protectiveness.
8. Okay . . . this answer is going to sound pretty strange because my favorite fairy tales (for some reason) are INCREDIBLY obscure. No, actually I do know the reason--it's because I was raised on Andrew Lang's fairy books, and he was famous for picking up the nuttiest stories from the most out-of-the-way places. Given that, my top three favorites are: 1) "Lord of the Winds" (an Alaskan fairy tale that's sliiiiiiightly akin to Cinderella); 2) "Little Lasse" (a Scandinavian story about dreams); and 3) "Dapplegrim" (a tale about a special magic horse).
9. Mmmmmmmm . . . I'm not sure if I can pick five here, since I haven't actually watched too many movies in this genre. Definitely "Frozen" and "Tangled" are on the list (although I haven't yet seen Tangled all the way through, I've seen enough clips, etc. to count it as a favorite :) )
10. Mmmmmmmmmmmm . . . what a cool question! Okay, I think I'd probably set it in the Dark Ages/Early Medieval period, just for fun. And I would wear . . . gee. I don't know. Probably a blue-purple sort of robe and a long white veil and have my hair in long braids. Yes. That sounds good. Actually, do you know the story of King Clovis and St. Clotilda, from the Dark Ages? It's a true story but it's a lot like Cinderella in a good many ways :-)
11. Blue. Always blue. And silver.
Thanks so much, Heidi--that was a lot of fun!
Did you want us to post the url of this page, by the way? I THOUGHT you did but I could be confused. Anyway, here it is: http://ladyofanorien.blogspot.com/2016/01/cinderella-party-kick-off-tag-giveaway.html?showComment=1451925599158#c4191485800133257853
DeleteI LOVE all your answers!! And absolutely wonderful points on #'s 1, 2 & 7. :)
#8: Hee. It can be a ton of fun to delve into obscure fairy tales. :D
#10: I love the early medieval period and yes, I knew of Clovis, but I don't think I'd heard/remembered all the details about him and his wife, so I just googled it. How neat and fascinating!
And about the link -- Yes, that's actually how to enter the giveaway (i.e. in the Rafflecopter widget there's a spot where you can paste this link for your tag answers). I so hope that makes sense! Does it help?
(P.S. And... guess what's coming up tomorrow?? ;))
Okay, thanks--I just pasted the link to enter :-)
DeleteYeah, I'm actually thinking of someday writing a novel based on the Clovis and Clotilda story . . . Gee, I have too many ideas for new novels. But that's all part of the fun of writing, no? ;-)
Ohhhhhhhhhh . . . you mean . . . you mean . . . ?
I CAN'T WAIT!!!!!! :-)
DeleteYou SHOULD!! (So then I can read it... ;))
And YES... 'tis up!! :)
This Cinderella week looks like so much fun!!!!
ReplyDeleteThe prizes are awesome!!
These are my top 2 choices
1. Ever After
2. Cinderella
Thanks for putting this together!:D
Your header is gorgeous, by the way:D
DeleteThank you, I'm so very happy you like it!! And thanks so much for the follow! ;)
Yay!! It's here! I'm so excited... As for the giveaway:
ReplyDeletemy first choice: Cinderella DVD
my second choice: Ever After
And the tag I shall fill out on my blog. :)
DeleteI'm SO happy you're excited and looking forward to reading your answers! :)
Completed the Cinderella Tag! It was a lot of fun thinking up answers!
DeleteWonderful!! I'm hoping to pop over soon to see all your posts. ;D
Oh, Heidi!!! Your header and background are GORGEOUS! I LOVE it! :D
ReplyDeleteMiss March,
DeleteThank you!!! I'm sooo happy you love it!! ;D
Cinderella Week!! Yaysies!!!! Oh, and that header is STUNNING. I love it!
ReplyDeleteGah all the things you're giving away! I prefer the Cinderella 2015 Disney DVD, then Ever After, then the darker blue bracelet :)
The tag looks fun! Here's my answers:
1. In the vast array of fairytale heroines, what particular character qualities most define Cinderella? - I would say kindness, obedience, and a hopeful and loving nature.
2. What are some of the deeper, big picture differences you see between retellings where both stepsisters are nasty and others where one is nasty and one is kind? How do you think the two takes differently develop/illuminate/affect Cinderella’s character and also the overarching story itself? - When both stepsisters are mean, they contrast all the more sharply with Cinderella, showing off her good qualities, but when one of the sisters is kind, you understand more of Cinderella's desire/decision to serve these people.
3. Are you an animal lover? Would you eagerly count mice, lizards, cows, and geese as friends? Dogs and cats? - Cats, absolutely. For dogs, it depends on the dog. Most other animals I haven't had the chance to see if I'm afraid of them or if I love them. I just haven't MET lizards, mice, and so on. Sorry :)
4. After asking question #3, I realized how remarkably many of the adaptations I’ve seen have Cinderella either horseback riding or involved with horses. Have you ever ridden? If so, have you ever ridden sidesaddle or bareback? - No, I have never ridden. To my great sorrow :P
5. Your favorite Cinderella dress/s? - I love the pink dress that Cinderella means to wear to the ball in the first place (2015 Disney Cinderella) and I also LOVE her blue ball gown (same movie).
6. Do you ever think of Cinderella while doing your household chores? :) - YES. But not in the way of "poor oppressed me" - more along the lines of "whistle as you work, girl." :D
7. What major character traits do you think are essential in a faithful prince? - Honesty, loyalty, protectiveness, and a sense of humor. (For that last item, I was only half kidding . . .)
8. Your top THREE favorite fairy tales (as in the original folk tales, not adaptations). - Beauty and the Beast, The Black Thief and the Knight of the Glen, and Loup Garou.
9. Your top FIVE current favorite fairy tale/legend type films (BESIDES any Cinderella adaptations). - Frozen and Tangled, I don't know of any others I've seen that would count.
10. If you could play Cinderella and the story could be set in any region of the world and any time period, what would you pick? And what would your dream ‘ball gown’ for it be like? - Good question!! I would pick Ireland. In the 1900s I guess :) My dream ball gown would be dark green, since I don't have the good fortune to have blonde hair, and it would be pleated and good to dance reels in. And . . . yeah :P
11. And (purely for fun :))… what color/s do you immediately associate with Cinderella? - Blue. But also gold :)
Thanks, Heidi, that was so fun! Do I link here?http://ladyofanorien.blogspot.com/2016/01/cinderella-party-kick-off-tag-giveaway.html#comment-form
DeleteI'm so glad you were able to do the tag! Hee. We had a lot of similar answers. ;D
And is The Black Thief and the Knight of the Glen one of Andrew Lang's tales that Jessica was mentioning??
Oh! And your tag link. There's a place to paste it IN the Rafflecopter widget, so that it shows up when I do the drawing. Does that make sense?? Let me know if you have troubles with it! :)
Yes, we did! Except I've never ridden a horse :(
DeleteOh, yes! The Black Thief and the Knight of the Glen is in one of our collections of Andrew Lang's fairy tales. There's the Lilac Fairy Book, the Red Fairy Book, the Blue Fairy Book, and many more. They're named after colors and have collections of all sorts of obscure fairy tales. And they've got WONDERFUL illustrations. It's really cool :)
Okay, I figured out what to do with the link. Thanks a lot! I've never done one of these things before :)
DeleteYou know, I've heard of those -- how fun! Now I'll have to add them to my official check-out list...
And oh, good. I'm so glad it worked!! :D
Cinderella week : )
ReplyDeleteHere's my tag: http://revealedintime.blogspot.com/2016/01/cinderella-week-day-one-rules-and-tag.html
Ivy Miranda,
DeleteYay! Off to read your post soon... :)
ReplyDeleteSo excited for this week, Heidi!
Here's my Cinderella 2015 review: http://naomiblog15.blogspot.be/2016/01/cinderella-2015-review.html
DeleteEEEEEEEE, YES! ;D I'm just swimming in the blueness. :) :)
And yaysie! Hoping to comment soon. :D
YAY! The party has begun! Here are my tag answers! I'll be popping back in to add my reviews and such.
DeletePERFECT! ;)
Here are three more...I'm hoping to have my review up tomorrow! Sorry for the delay! :)
My last post! :( I'm so sad the party is drawing to a close. It was SO much fun!!! Thank you, Heidi!!
Here are my answers to the tag!
ReplyDelete1. In the vast array of fairytale heroines, what particular character qualities most define Cinderella? I think the traits that most define her for me are patience, kindness, courage, and love
2. What are some of the deeper, big picture differences you see between retellings where both stepsisters are nasty and others where one is nasty and one is kind? How do you think the two takes differently develop/illuminate/affect Cinderella’s character and also the overarching story itself? I really liked how in Ever After, they made one sister kind. But when there are 2 ‘evil’ stepsisters, it kind of made it even harder for her to be cheerful and patient.
3. Are you an animal lover? Would you eagerly count mice, lizards, cows, and geese as friends? Dogs and cats? I do like animals:) I just hope that if I had a lizard it’s tail wouldn’t fall off because someone scared it *shudders*. I like dogs, and I used to like cats - until I found out I was allergic to them:P
4. After asking question #3, I realized how remarkably many of the adaptations I’ve seen have Cinderella either horseback riding or involved with horses. Have you ever ridden? If so, have you ever ridden sidesaddle or bareback? I have ridden a horse before, but never sidesaddle or bareback.
5. Your favorite Cinderella dress/s? My favorite cinderella dresses are the pink one(2015), the blue one(2015) and the dress Danielle wore to the ball(Ever After)
6. Do you ever think of Cinderella while doing your household chores? :) Not usually :P
7. What major character traits do you think are essential in a faithful prince? Love and devotion!
8. Your top THREE favorite fairy tales (as in the original folk tales, not adaptations). , Cinderella, Beauty and the Beast, and Sleeping Beauty There are probably a lot more, but I can’t think of anymore right now:P
9. Your top FIVE current favorite fairy tale/legend type films (BESIDES any Cinderella adaptations). Tangled, Princess Bride(I don’t know if that was an adaption:/), Frozen, and I can’t think of anymore:P
10. If you could play Cinderella and the story could be set in any region of the world and any time period, what would you pick? And what would your dream ‘ball gown’ for it be like? I really liked Cinderella’s first dress, the pink one. It’s not so puffy and I wouldn’t have to worry about falling over it or something like that:P
11. And (purely for fun :))… what color/s do you immediately associate with Cinderella? Blue and Gold!
Thanks for doing the tag! It was lots of fun!:D
DeleteI'm so happy you were able to answer the tag questions and your answers were most delightful! :)
We have a lot in common! I love Cinderella 2015's pink and blue dresses :) and... Sleeping Beauty, Cinderella, Tangled, Princess Bride, Frozen, and Beauty & the Beast?!? They're all tip top favorites of mine, too!! ;D
Oh, Cinderella week!!! :) I haven't read 'real' fairytales since I was little, but Cinderella was my favorite. ;)
ReplyDeleteI'd love to participate! Is it okay if all I do is answer the tag? I would do more, but I'm not familiar with any of the films, etc. to review.
Oh. My. Goodness. I LOOOOOVE THAT DARLING HEADER!!!!! Just beautiful. ;-)
Giveaways in order of preference.
Delete1) Ever After DVD --- I've heard great things about it!!
2) Bracelet (blue and pink ;) )
3) Cinderella DVD
Faith P.,
DeleteI'm so happy to have you and absolutely! Just answering the tag is perfectly fine. :) (Oh, is there a picture book that made a big impression on you that you might like to review? That's always an idea... it's totally up to you! ;))
And thank you!!!
Thanks, Heidi!! :-)
DeleteUhhhh, not that I can think of. ;) I had a set of all the Disney(?) Princess books, but it have NO idea where they are now... :-/
"A Modern Cinderella" by Louisa May Alcott is an ebook I have. Would that 'count' as something to review? If I can find time to read it this week, I may do that. Otherwise I'll just answer the tag. ;)
Faith P.,
DeleteIt's up to you and what you feel like, but Alcott's story sounds like it'd be great! Just let me know if you're planning to and I'll add it to the original post. :)
Looking forward to your tag answers! ;)
Here are my answers to the tag.
ReplyDelete1. I think that Cinderella is set apart from the other fairy tale heroines because of her unwavering hope, loyalty, and especially kindness.
2. I think that both situations of having one or two mean sisters would affect Cinderella in the same way because she would still feel pain from being unfairly treated.
3. I would definitely count dogs my friends.
4. I have ridden twice in my life and both of them bareback.
5. I think that my favorite Cinderella dress is either the 1950's blue or white ball gown or the 1960's Lesley Ann Warren ball gown. I grew up watching both of those versions, so I had to choose both of them instead of picking one. :)
6. Once in a while I think of Cinderella while doing household chores , but most of the time no.
7. The character traits essential to a faithful prince would be honesty, loyalty, and a have a balance between his heart and mind.
8. 12 Dancing Princesses, Beauty and the Beast, and Cinderella
9. Beauty and the Beast
La Belle et La Bete (1946)
The Princess Bride
The Swan Princess
10. I think it would be really fun to play Cinderella set in Russia during the 1800s. The dream ball gown would have a very full skirt with a train. The color would be ivory and trimmed with gold. Some jewels would also be fun to wear. :)
11. My first thought was blue and silver.
I forgot to write the giveaway preferences in the previous message.
Delete1. Ever After dvd
2. Cinderella (2015) dvd
DeleteI'm so glad you were able to do the tag!
On #5: Yes, I know. Sometimes the more you see, the more impossible it is to make up your mind... ;)
#9: I hadn't heard of La Belle et La Bete. I'll have to look it up!
#10: And your idea sounds fascinating! (*teasing* your dream dress doesn't have anything to do with Leslie Ann Warren's, does it?? ;D) Also, have you seen Three Nuts for Cinderella? Rose is planning to review that one later this week, but it's a European Cinderella classic set in Eastern Europe/Russia.
Maybe my dream dress was partially inspired by Leslie Ann Warren's dress. I'm not sure why it would be my dream dress, maybe just because I've been in love with it since I first saw it when I was young. :)
DeleteLa Belle et La Bete is really interesting. The story behind it makes it even more interesting. It was made when the Nazis occupied France, and the director wasn't given a lot of money to make the film. Since there was a low budget, it's interesting to see the effect of the low budget throughout the movie, and it forced the director to be more creative. Because of the low budget, the movie really focuses on the acting, story, and cinematography, which is really the bare basics of any film, and it showcases all three of those aspects beautifully. Sorry, I should stop talking about this. :)
DeleteOh, wow. It sounds quite intriguing! I don't think I've ever seen anything actually made in France during that period...
And I'm hoping to reply to your email ASAP. ;) Thank you so much!!
This looks so fun! I've done the tag and put it on my blog: http://violetcottage.blogspot.com/
ReplyDeleteI LOVE your header! Did it take long to make?
Here is my order of preference:
Cinderella 2015
Ever After
A light blue bracelet :)
Abby P.,
DeleteYay, I'm still SO happy you were able to do it!! :)
Abby P,
DeleteI'm so sorry... I missed your question till just now! And thank you! It didn't take a terribly long time (just as long as it took me to tweak it all out EXACTLY how I wanted ;)). I actually made it on Picmonkey, which is a pretty amazing website. You can pay for some advanced things, but there's a LOT you can do for free. They're great!
I have yet to do the tag, but hope to get to it today or tomorrow. I'm excited about this!
ReplyDeleteMy giveaway preference:
Cinderella 2015
Pale blue bracelet.
DeleteI'm looking forward to your answers and so glad you're excited!
By "shared about the party" do you mean having a button on the sidebar, or mentioning the party in the tag post, or telling people about it, or what?
DeleteHere is the link for my tag: http://thepenofawdur.blogspot.com/search/label/Cinderella%20Week
DeleteYes: a button on your sidebar or if you posted about it earlier or shared more about it in your tag post... anything like that works great. :)
And thanks for your link! Popping off to read it now...
DeleteOhhh, unfortunately (and I'm SUPER sorry), but I'm having trouble leaving a comment on your blog. :/
BUT I loved your answers!! Wonderful thoughts. (Note: I've actually seen Barbie -- Twelve Dancing Princesses a couple times and quite enjoyed it. :) It's very sweet!)
I'm so glad you were able to fill it out and I'm looking forward to your reviews! We'll actually have some reviews in common (we must be thinking alike? ;)), so it'll be fun to compare notes.
P.S. And I love the Tolkien and Pre-Raphaelite influence on your sidebar. ;) Thank you for sharing the Cinderella button!
My blog has been malfunctioning, and clicking on individual posts/pages or commenting pulls up a white page. :/ I'm trying to figure it out! Yes, I'll look forward to seeing your reviews!
DeleteWhat positively delightful giveaways, m'dear!
ReplyDeleteI would LOVE to own the 2015 Cinderella!!! Second I suppose Ever After, and then my favorite bracelet is the light blue one.
DeleteThank you so much!! :)
oh my, I cannot express how excited I am about this party!!! I have done the tag on my blog, but I'm not sure if i'll be able to do any more posts on Cinderella this week or not.
ReplyDeleteanyhoo as far as the prizes in order I'd like:
Cinderella 2015 movie
Ever After
and the light blue bracelet :)
and here is the link to my post: http://emilieslittlecorner.blogspot.com/2016/01/the-cinderella-tag.html
DeleteOh, I'm SO happy to hear it and super excited to read your tag answers! :)
Eep, just like Cinderella, I'm a bit late to the party... but I'm here now!
ReplyDeleteMy favorite prizes are either the bracelets or the Cinderella DVD... I'm partial to the dark blue bracelet, personally, but they are both lovely!
Here is the link to my post answering the tag questions: http://jenelleschmidt.com/cinderella-party-a-game-of-tag/
I'll post my review of Ella Enchanted tomorrow or Thursday! Thanks for hosting the ball!
DeleteYAY!!! You made it!!! Oh, how superbly wonderful. ;) And perfect! I'm off to leave a comment ASAP...
If I won, I would probably favor the Cinderella DVD! Thanks so much for hosting this giveaway!
ReplyDeleteOh, and I would probably go for the light blue bracelet. :)
DeleteOlivia G. N,
DeleteOh, you're welcome -- and so glad you could visit! :)
I'm just going to say it again: I am SO excited about this blog party!!! Cinderella stories are one of my favorite things in the world!
ReplyDelete1. In the vast array of fairytale heroines, what particular character qualities most define Cinderella? kindness, forgiveness, strength, perseverance, grace, compassion
2. What are some of the deeper, big picture differences you see between retellings where both stepsisters are nasty and others where one is nasty and one is kind? How do you think the two takes differently develop/illuminate/affect Cinderella’s character and also the overarching story itself? When both stepsisters are cruel and mean, Cinderella's plight is more pathetic and so her rise from rags to riches is more dramatic, the change from pain to joy is richer. However, when one of the stepsisters is "nicer" and becomes Cinderella's friend by the end (like in Ever After or the rival of R+H's Cinderella on Broadway), Cinderella's forgiving and kind nature is highlighted. Both options make for a great story, if done well.
3. Are you an animal lover? Would you eagerly count mice, lizards, cows, and geese as friends? Dogs and cats? Nope. Not an animal lover. At all. Except cats (which usually aren't favored in Cinderella adaptations... hehe).
4. After asking question #3, I realized how remarkably many of the adaptations I’ve seen have Cinderella either horseback riding or involved with horses. Have you ever ridden? If so, have you ever ridden sidesaddle or bareback? I have ridden a horse twice, but that was a long time ago... never had a chance to see if I was good at it.
5. Your favorite Cinderella dress/s? SUCH A HARD QUESTION. Thank you ever so for letting me choose more than one. ;] Danielle's "Breathe" gown is definitely up there. Any dress from the Slipper and the Rose (Any! They are all gorgeous! But her ball gown is scrumptious, of course.). Ella's blue poufy ball gown in the newest version. SO MUCH SKIRT. <3
6. Do you ever think of Cinderella while doing your household chores? :) I do. Thankfully, I don't have a cruel stepfamily abusing me into it.
7. What major character traits do you think are essential in a faithful prince? strength, kindness, humility, intelligence, leadership, blue eyes (hehehe)
8. Your top THREE favorite fairy tales (as in the original folk tales, not adaptations). East of the Sun West of the Moon, Cinderella, Beauty and the Beast
9. Your top FIVE current favorite fairy tale/legend type films (BESIDES any Cinderella adaptations). Beauty and the Beast, Tangled, La Belle et La Bete 2014 (I actually haven't seen it all, and I want to find a version with English subtitles, but it looks so beautiful... the costumes, and the castle, and the scenery), Princess Bride, Disney's Robin Hood.
10. If you could play Cinderella and the story could be set in any region of the world and any time period, what would you pick? And what would your dream ‘ball gown’ for it be like? Paris, 1920s. That's the dream.
11. And (purely for fun :))… what color/s do you immediately associate with Cinderella? Silvery, sparkly white (Probably because I grew up watching my un-remastered VHS of Disney's Cinderella with its fading colors)
Ooo! Yay! A giveaway!
1. 2015 Cinderella
2. Darker bracelet
I'm not including Ever After in my list because I already have it on DVD (one of my favorites). =]
Thanks so much for the giveaway. =]
Caroline L.,
DeleteHeehee, the more times the better, say I! ;) On Cinderella... I TOTALLY agree. :)
And lovely answers -- thank you so much for sharing!
#6: Yes as well (on all six points ;D).
#9: Ekaterina was just telling me about the older version of La Belle et La Bete. I hadn't heard of it... and there's a new one, too? I definitely have some new titles to look into now. And B&tB, Tangled, PB, and Disney's RH are favorites at our house, too. (Quite splendid!)
#10: Paris in the 1920's!
Yay, thank you again and I'm so glad you were able to share these!! :)
My book review of The Mistletoe Promise by Richard Paul Evans is up here :-)
ReplyDeleteAnd... I"M IN!!! Here is my link:
Yikes, I AM SO EXCITED HEIDI! But then, you knew that. :) I'm so glad you are doing this!
Here is my link: http://rosepetalsandfaeriedust.blogspot.com/2016/01/cinderella-blog-party-tag.html?showComment=1452110065519#c6464612983675337060
ReplyDeleteThought I'd join in, here's my link!:
Here is my link.
My review of the 1914 silent movie version is up here this morning :-) It's really cute and funny! The movie, anyway -- not sure if I managed to make the post cute and funny or not.
ReplyDeleteMy review of Ella Enchanted: http://jenelleschmidt.com/cinderella-party-ella-enchanted/
ReplyDeleteA few more links for the party. I didn't write them this week, but they are reviews I've done of Cinderella books/movies in the past and I don't want to rehash them or repost them.... if they don't count for the party because I didn't write them this week, that's totally fine. Just thought if anyone was interested in reading them - they're reviews of 2015 Cinderella and the Five Glass Slippers collection:
DeleteI reviewed the 2015 Cinderella right after I saw it in theaters (I have since seen the movie a second time, and did enjoy it much more upon a second viewing... though I haven't changed my mind about the voice-over and the poorly written stepmother and the weird stepsisters)...
Cinderella 2015: http://jenelleschmidt.com/cinderella-3/
And the stories in the Five Glass Slippers collection:
Broken Glass: http://jenelleschmidt.com/broken-glass-review/
Moon-Master's Ball: http://jenelleschmidt.com/the-moon-masters-ball-review/
A Cinder's Tale: http://jenelleschmidt.com/a-cinders-tale-review/
The Windy Side of Care: http://jenelleschmidt.com/the-windy-side-of-care-review/
What Eyes Can See: http://jenelleschmidt.com/what-eyes-can-see-review/
Here are my tag answers :)
jessica, Rosie, Mikayla, Ekaterina, and Caroline L.,
ReplyDeleteQuick note: I'm working on putting together a post including all of your tag answers before our final link-up and just wanted to make sure you're all great with it -- so just let me know if you're NOT. (I figured you probably are, but just wanted to double check! ;))
Yup, that's fine! :D
DeleteThank you for doing this! What fun! :) I'm loving reading everyone's reviews!
ReplyDeleteMy tag answers: http://youmeandacupofteablog.blogspot.com/2016/01/cinderella-party-tag-2016.html
I'd love to win the 2015 Cinderella because then I'd finally get around to watching it. After that Ever After!
Hey! Here are two more links for you:
Ooooh will have to fill this out :D
ReplyDeleteHey! Here are all the links that I did for the Cinderella week :) :
Here's the link for my review of Ever After: http://revealedintime.blogspot.com/2016/01/ever-after.html
ReplyDeletehttp://revealedintime.blogspot.com/2015/04/cinderella-2015.html - This is the link for my movie review of Cinderella (2015)
DeleteMy link to "A Cinderella Dream" post:
My link to "Words of Wisdom"
And... here's the link for my review of First Love: http://ofhorseselvesandmen.blogspot.com/2016/01/movie-spotlight-first-love-1939.html
ReplyDeleteWhy don't I write/post reviews more often? They are just SO fun! Thanks for the motivation. :)
Here's the link for my What A Girl Wants Review!
This has been an absolutely splendid party!
ReplyDeleteI am a little behind in reading, but I'l probably get around to read and comment on all your reviews tomorrow.
Here are the for my posts:
The tag:http://best-of-classics.blogspot.com/2016/01/cinderella-tag-answers.html
3 nuts for C review: http://best-of-classics.blogspot.com/2016/01/three-nuts-for-cinderella.html
I've written about quite a few Cinderella-related things over the years, so today I posted some links to them here, as some of them (Corral Nocturne and the 1957 Julie Andrews version, namely) aren't getting reviewed here and I thought people might be interested in learning more about them. If you don't want to add the post to the Official List at the end of the party, I'm fine with that -- just thought I'd share!
ReplyDeleteHere's a link for my Poor Cinderella (Betty Boop cartoon) review. :D
Finally got this post done: Too late to enter the raffle but hopefully not to add it to your links?! I'm been super busy and just barely had time to finish it. http://thepenofawdur.blogspot.com/2016/01/a-review-of-cinderella-1965-my.html
ReplyDeleteAnd my other one: http://thepenofawdur.blogspot.com/2016/01/cinderella-movie-review.html
DeleteWoohoo! I did it! I wasn't sure I was going to get it done, but I finished! Plus, I read a book this last week that actually turned out to be a Cinderella re-telling, sort of, so I'll try and post a review of that today too. :)
And my link to that book review, only on my book review blog. :)
This was one close race Heidi, but here is my final link at last! : http://ofhorseselvesandmen.blogspot.com/2016/01/movie-spotlight-inheritance-1997.html
ReplyDeleteThank you so very much for doing this entire party it's been simply delightful and splendid. I really am sad to leave. But I'm so glad it was such a lovely one!
Here is my last review: http://rosepetalsandfaeriedust.blogspot.com/2016/01/princess-of-glass-review.html
ReplyDeleteI had such a blast, Heidi! Thank you so much for inviting me to join along. Literally, this has been something I looked forward to do everyday, whether writing up posts or reading all the wonderful posts by the other contributors and commenting! :D
ReplyDeleteIs this where we are to post links? Well, everyone else is doing it, so... (Mrs Jennings is not EVERYONE!)
ReplyDeleteA quick note: I think an ad/spam comment was just left here and I've deleted it, but -- just to be sure -- don't click through to any of the links. Sorry about that!