Saturday, March 30, 2024

Sunshine Blogger Award || March Edition

Way back in August, I was tagged by Lizzie Hexam of Starlight & Saucepans with the Sunshine Blogger Award (thank you, Lizzie! :)) and she's came up with some really original questions. So let us to it.

You have the opportunity to invite over a fictional character for a day and show him/her around your neighborhood. Which character do you choose?

There are so many I want to choose! But... today we'll go with ChloĆ© from Caroline Dale Snedeker's Forgotten Daughter (which has finally been able to be reprinted by Bethlehem Books!). (Note: the artwork doesn't look like at all like the hardcover edition of ChloĆ© I grew up with ;/ *boo*, but I'm still excited it's now more widely available.)

What kind of weather do you like best? What weather makes you happiest/saddest?

I love the relief and contemplative feel of a clear fall day after a hot summer (or, most of all, a more temperate summer day in the high mountains). For the deep down thrill, probably a sunny day in spring. A heavy gray day (not raining) does kind of drag things down a bit sometimes. 

If you had to move to a foreign country, which one would it be?

I like the "had to" wording, because I really do love where I am. That said... oh boy. There are so many different places that would be amazing to see. But for practical, everyday living, I love the idea of somewhere in the French countryside... the slow living of going to the bakery for daily bread, lots of cheese around, a potager garden, and a few roses. It's very similar to the rhythms we tend to have in our home as is, so seems like it would be a natural fit. (Says the woman working really hard to create those relaxed rhythms... In all seriousness, it is very much how we generally operate, just still working on making it look as poetic as it sounds. xD)

A functional time-machine has just been invented! You can go to any time and place in the past that you like. When and where do you go?

Ancient time periods aside (total choice paralysis there, so don't know how I'd even begin to choose), anywhere in the Edwardian period: England... India... even New York. It's been my favorite time period since I was little.

You get to choose one book to be perfectly adapted into a movie/mini-series/TV show/musical. Which book do you choose, and which kind of adaption do you think it would work best as?

Persuasion. (I'm fairly happy with the available versions, but definitely wouldn't turn down the opportunity to do it perfectly). Mansfield Park would be a runner up. Both as films or mini-series. 

Do you prefer pens or pencils?


What’s your favorite genre of music?

I listen to a smattering of different genres, but have particularly been enjoying orchestral music lately. (I watch a lot of ballet so the two go hand in hand for me. ;))

Do you use bookmarks? If so, do you use actual, nice-looking bookmarks, or do you just grab the nearest small flat object and use that?

50/50. I like nice bookmarks (and have a large collection), but they're not always to hand so I end up using ragged strips of paper. That said, I have long had a strong aversion to using anything thicker than said pieces of paper (in fact, if an innocent person inadvertently uses some such thing in my presence... well, let's just say unfortunate drama may ensue. *face palm*)

What kind of aesethetic do you/would you like to decorate your home?

Rustic lodge style. <3

Suppose you had the opportunity to do a good deed, but knew beforehand that it would fail and be misinterpreted. Would you still do it or not?

Well, I hate hate confusion and misinterpretation (one of the areas where I need to learn to rest, as such uncertainties are part of our fallen world; it's still just really stressful sometimes), but if the good deed was going to succeed in spite of the misunderstanding, I should hope I'd be strong enough to do it anyway. I would say the focus is to have our eyes on Christ, determining from His word what He's commanded us to do (i.e. show love and kindness, etc. and what that love and kindness should look like in a given situation). Good deeds are like planting seeds and we often won't know how fruitful or effective they are anyway till years in the future sometimes. (In some cases, maybe not till the resurrection.) And doing a good deed always bears witness to our King, no matter how it's taken on the other person's part. (Not that we go in like a bulldozer, wisdom is paramount, of course.) I'm just saying that, because we're doing it as unto our King, however it appears in the moment, we can know it hasn't really failed and will bear some sort of eternal fruit. 

That said, we don't want to be sanctimonious and obnoxious. That's not showing real charity and love.

So yeah, tough question, and sorry if I strayed into the weeds in my answer.

Which form of art do you think is inherently the most expressive: music, literature, or art?

Ooh! Hard one!! (Can I  opt out and say dance?) 

Hmm... When done with skill, I genuinely think all three are about equal. (As a writer, I was going to say writing is harder to actually capture the essence of the beautiful thing in your mind you're trying to express in the first place, but then realized the same could be equally said of the other two.)

I think... if push came to shove, because of how it more easily connects with the intended audience, I'd have to say music, in the end. But as far as value to the artist and the creative process itself (i.e. exhilaration of creation and frustration in honing the chosen craft), I consider all three equal. 


Thanks again for the tag, Lizzie!

1 comment:

  1. Those relaxed rhythms are something I would love to always feels like there's never time to do all those things to make the home the welcoming, safe, cozy space I would like it to be. Ah well...that's something to work on, I suppose!

    I have yet to see the 2007 Persuasion, but I would agree that the '95 one is good, but not perfect. Mansfield Park could definitely use a perfect adaptation as well!

    Heh, sorry, I know my 'good deed' question was a hard one! Truth be told, although it'd be nice to think I would go for doing a good deed no matter what, if I knew it would be interpreted wrongly...I really don't know that I would do it. (I also definitely agree that "good deeds" that are just obnoxious and prideful aren't really good deeds at all.)

    Oh, I hadn't thought of dance! Now that I'm thinking about it, I'm honestly not sure which one I would choose either...I do think that music can express things the most easily, but does that necessarily mean that it's the most expressive? I'm going to have to think about this further!

    Thanks so much for filling out the tag! I enjoyed reading your answers :)


I'd love to hear your thoughts and look forward to further confabulation. Please just be courteous to one and all. Oh, and I love thoughts on old posts, so comment away!

(Also of late -- what with time being finite, and Life Happening + managing multiple blogs and computer issues and all that -- I sometimes have to alternate between creating new content and replying to comments, but rest assured I'm thrilled to hear from each and every one of you and always hope to reply thoughtfully in full ASAP. <3)

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