Monday, July 24, 2023

Legends of Western Cinema Week 2023 || Kick-off & Tag

Happy Monday!

So we just got back from a camping trip and are sunburnt and a bit tired, but with our tanks wonderfully topped up with mountains and high places and spreading wildflowers (I thought they'd be done for the year, but we had such a heavy winter everything is super late and so they were just gobsmacking).

Anyhow, in a very apropos coincidence, it's also officially the kick-off day for Legends of Western Cinema Week! Hurrah! Below you'll find our tag questions for this year, so make sure to grab those and fill them out on your own blog.


LOWCW 2023 Tag Questions:

  • Stetson -- a favorite hero moment (i.e. highlighting their character and/or making a pivotal decision, etc) 
  • Petticoat -- a favorite heroine moment
  • Canteen -- a favorite scene with a leader/mentor 
  • Gloves -- a favorite sidekick/friend scene 
  • Canyon -- a favorite western landscape 
  • Pistol -- a favorite fight scene 
  • Saddle -- a favorite horse / animal in a western 
  • Sky -- a favorite ambitious / crazy plan in a western 
  • Rifle -- a favorite scene with an antagonist 
  • Chuckwagon -- a favorite meal scene 
  • Badge -- a favorite scene with peace officers / sheriff 
  • Lariat -- a favorite cattle drive /roundup

(I know, I know. Not at all film related, but I'm riding high on wide open spaces at the moment, so just let me work it all out as I segue graciously into this next week. Thanks for your understanding. End of public service announcement. xD) 


Put the link to your post (and any other western-y posts you'd like to contribute) into our handy link box below so everyone else can see them too and visit round in true party fashion:


Also be sure to visit the kick-off posts from my two co-hosts, Rachel and Olivia. Now I'm off to work on a giveaway for y'all (keep your eyes peeled for it later today) + unload a car full of camping gear and start washing some campfire-smoke filled laundry. ;)

Let the hoe-down commence!


  1. Huzzah! (And so glad the trip was appropriately refreshing and that you got to fill up on peaks and meadows and general glory.)

  2. The high I get from being in wide-open spaces like that is such a specific, special high -- we were driving through Montana this summer and I could not stop gawking at the sky. It truly does seem to be bigger there! So glad you were able to get out and enjoy some wilder world this summer too :-)


I'd love to hear your thoughts and look forward to further confabulation. Please just be courteous to one and all. Oh, and I love thoughts on old posts, so comment away!

(Also of late -- what with time being finite, and Life Happening + managing multiple blogs and computer issues and all that -- I sometimes have to alternate between creating new content and replying to comments, but rest assured I'm thrilled to hear from each and every one of you and always hope to reply thoughtfully in full ASAP. <3)

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