Monday, July 31, 2023

Sunshine Blogger Award

Found this tag over at Ivy Miranda's and thought it looked fun. (Ivy, thanks for sharing it ! 🌻)


1. What's you favorite memory of 2023 so far?

Our wildflower family adventure high up in the mountains last weekend was pretty epic.

2. Beach trip or hiking?

Hiking. (Well, 85% of the time. ;))

3. Do you know of other royal families besides the Windsors?

Yes, indeed. The one I know the most about is probably the Hapsburgs.

4. What food can you never get tired of?

Italian comfort food. It is possible, but very improbable.

5. Have you set a reading goal and if so what is it?

Making sure to read picture and short chapter books with my daughter. We've had a lot of starts and stops so hoping to work in some consistency.

6. What are three things you would want for your dream house?

River stone. Massive beams. And possibly an espresso dark hardwood floor (though gray finish does hide dirt muuuuuch better).

7. What would the name of your autobiography be?

Tricky one! Might sound high falutin and cliche, but who cares. Manning Her Battlestation embodies something I think about a lot and find inspiring.

8. What was your primary reason for starting a blog?

Whoa, that's going back awhile. I started my first blog in '06, which morphed into AtB fairly quickly. I really wanted to mingle in the period drama blog world of the time, meet like-minded story loving friends, and have a public writing spot to test out random cogitations in the great wide world.

9. Do you consider yourself a political person?

Yes and no. I'm a Christian and as such definitely hold strong convictions; but courage and outspokenness are something I need to work on. (And I don't mean that as some sort of humble disclaimer.) I've never participated in a rally or so forth. On the flip side, I'm kind of torn about the value and/or efficacy of debating online rather than face to face interactions. I'm well aware that that too can be an excuse for cowardice (especially since social media etc is so much a part of our world -- and in many ways it is the public square of our day), but yeah, still not sure how fruitful online fighting is (though sometimes it might be more for the sake of other people observing on the sidelines, so there's that consideration). And of course we should stand for truth for truth's sake, though the whole world be against us. At the same time, we aren't all called to be keyboard warriors (and, without wisdom, that itself is fraught with some potential hazards / a disconnect from reality)... but what I was getting at is that we each have a finite amount of time and energy, and I want to make sure I'm focused on actively building something. So yeah. My brain's kinda a big tangled ball of string on all that. But the short answer: I am a Christian and Christ is my King. And He is King of the nations. All of them.

10. Do you like foreign/international music and films?

Figuring anything British doesn't count for this question? In other areas I have watched some very interesting foreign documentaries (mostly true crime docs). And I love international music.

11. What is your favorite lyric from a song and does it relate to your life at all?

At this moment in time I have Neil Young's Heart of Gold running through my head. It does particularly resonate with a certain period in my life, and I'd like to think it relates in general. ;)


I'm not gonna make up new questions at the moment, but if you'd like to answer Ivy Miranda's from above (and found here) feel free. And leave a link in the comments if you do !


  1. I love your answers! Thanks for doing it. I've missed you! I hope you start to coming back more often : )

  2. So fun! I like the sound of those materials for a dream house :-)

  3. So...I know you may be Sunshine Blogger-ed out, but I just tagged you for the Sunshine Blogger Award :P ( Only if/when you feel the urge, of course :)

    (By the way, I've so enjoyed reading your archives! Your blog is so lovely <3)

    ~ Lizzie Hexam


I'd love to hear your thoughts and look forward to further confabulation. Please just be courteous to one and all. Oh, and I love thoughts on old posts, so comment away!

(Also of late -- what with time being finite, and Life Happening + managing multiple blogs and computer issues and all that -- I sometimes have to alternate between creating new content and replying to comments, but rest assured I'm thrilled to hear from each and every one of you and always hope to reply thoughtfully in full ASAP. <3)

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