Saturday, September 5, 2020

Inklings // September 2020

Welcome to our September Inklings! For more see the first post here or the rules below. 

*And slight adjustment* In the interest of not clogging y'all's dashboards up, I'm trying out posting the new prompt (i.e. September in this case) with the previous month's round-up. Does that work for everyone? Let me know if it makes sense or not.


1. At any time during the month, on your own blog post a scene from a book or film that matches the prompt, including a link back here in your post.

2. Leave a link to your post in the comments section on this post and I'll post all your links with the next prompt. That's it!

August Round-Up:



And September's prompt is:

A schoolroom scene in book or film

Ok, so... I have a bunch of prompt ideas (including a bunch of Tolkien-y ones which fit well in September, ah well...) and freely admit I went with this one solely cause I really wanted to post this. (And I haven't even been in a period drama mood lately. This scene just kinda popped out of the cupboard demanding the nomination and wouldn't let up, so here ye are. xD Enjoy!)

"Gilbert Blythe wasn’t used to putting himself out to make a girl look at him and meeting with failure. She should look at him, that red-haired Shirley girl with the little pointed chin and the big eyes that weren’t like the eyes of any other girl in Avonlea school.

Gilbert reached across the aisle, picked up the end of Anne’s long red braid, held it out at arm’s length and said in a piercing whisper: “Carrots! Carrots!”

Then Anne looked at him with a vengeance! 

She did more than look. She sprang to her feet, her bright fancies fallen into cureless ruin. She flashed one indignant glance at Gilbert from eyes whose angry sparkle was swiftly quenched in equally angry tears.

“You mean, hateful boy!” she exclaimed passionately. “How dare you!”

And then—thwack! Anne had brought her slate down on Gilbert’s head and cracked it—slate, not head—clear across.

Avonlea school always enjoyed a scene. This was an especially enjoyable one. Everybody said “Oh” in horrified delight. Diana gasped. Ruby Gillis, who was inclined to be hysterical, began to cry. Tommy Sloane let his team of crickets escape him altogether while he stared open-mouthed at the tableau."  

from Anne of Green Gables by L.M. Montgomery 


Looking forward to seeing what you come up with! Have fun!


  1. Ever since Cowboy started working from home back in March, my blog-reading time has dropped into the gutter, and so I somehow missed you're doing Inklings link-ups again, until just now! What fun! I loved doing those. Will have to see what I can come up with. Of course, you took the best one, but oh well...

    BTW, I nominated you for the Sunshine Blogger Award. Play if you want to!

    1. Hamlette,
      Utterly and completely understandable! ;) What with balancing blogging with Mama/house stuff in general, for me it seems there's often the choice between making new content and catching up on reading/commenting. :p An ongoing balancing act I guess?

      Yay! I'm so happy you're excited about Inklings! I was rather hoping you would be. ;)

      And thank you for the tag! I filled it out and you had great questions. Thank you!

  2. Ah, you used the perfect scene! I love that so much. <3

    It took me awhile to pick one because my brain wouldn't stoop giving me options. I had great fun again! Thanks!

    1. MovieCritic,
      Aw, thank you! I'm so glad you love it too. It's funny, cause I always forget that in the book we see a bunch of the scene from Gilbert's perspective. So that's neat.

      Oh good, I'm so glad you found a good one! (I KNOW, right?! I guess periodically we'll have to use a similar prompt just to make sure we cover all the good scenes -- it's so hard to narrow down. XD)

  3. Here's my link!


I'd love to hear your thoughts and look forward to further confabulation. Please just be courteous to one and all. Oh, and I love thoughts on old posts, so comment away!

(Also of late -- what with time being finite, and Life Happening + managing multiple blogs and computer issues and all that -- I sometimes have to alternate between creating new content and replying to comments, but rest assured I'm thrilled to hear from each and every one of you and always hope to reply thoughtfully in full ASAP. <3)

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