Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Announcing Legends of Western Cinema Week 2024


I'm so happy to be announcing this year's return of Legends of Western Cinema Week for July 22nd-26th, and which I'm co-hosting with Rachel of Hamlette's Soliloquy and Olivia of Meanwhile in Rivendell...

Come party time, we'll have a blog tag you can fill out on your own blog, and hopefully lots of other fun little tidbits (possibly some games and giveaways, etc.), but the majorly exciting part is that you'll all be welcome to contribute additional blog posts of your own discussing all things classic and western (primarily relating to film, but books are always welcome as well :)). 

The only rules are that:

1 -- any posts must be about the genre

2 -- new for the occasion

3 -- appreciative of the subject / not derogatory

There'll be more details available when the event arrives, but just getting the news out there now so you can start thinking what you might like to contribute. Also (unless you want to!) you don't need to tell us what you plan to share ahead of time, which leaves some nice flexibility.

Last but not least, Olivia did a great job with our buttons this year -- I'm just tickled pink about them. Aren't they lovely? We'd much appreciate it if you're able to grab one or two and splash them about so anyone else who might like to participate gets to hear about it. Thanks so much everyone and looking forward to celebrating with y'all soon! <3


I'd love to hear your thoughts and look forward to further confabulation. Please just be courteous to one and all. Oh, and I love thoughts on old posts, so comment away!

(Also of late -- what with time being finite, and Life Happening + managing multiple blogs and computer issues and all that -- I sometimes have to alternate between creating new content and replying to comments, but rest assured I'm thrilled to hear from each and every one of you and always hope to reply thoughtfully in full ASAP. <3)

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