Friday, July 26, 2024

LOWCW 2024 || My tag answers

A few of the following are top favorites, others are ones I don't often mention so thought it'd be fun to mix them in. Figuring out what to put where was unexpectedly challenging!

Legends of Western Cinema Week Tag 2024 Edition

~ Cozy ~

Ok, so this one wasn't challenging, just... the obvious choice. (Though it also fits into numerous other prompts below, so the trick was in figuring out which other titles to use for those. xD) Packed with adventure, Apple Dumpling Gang has to be the #1 family friendly, coziest, comfiest western of all time. <3 (Popping it into the dvd player as we speak to enjoy it with the Small Person while I type up the rest of my answers. ;D)

~ Gritty ~

Considered quite a few for this one, but we'll just go with The Good, The Bad, and the Ugly.

~ Serious ~

I've only seen The Gunfighter (1950) once, but it made quite the impression.

~ Comedic ~

With real stakes and numerous poignant moments, Silverado (1985), isn't just a comedy. That said, just thinking of certain scenes is enough to tickle my funny bone, so... into this slot it goes.

(I'm also in a Maverick mode, but that has some less family friendly parts.)

~ Romantic ~

Angel and the Badman

Either version.

(Though fyi, this one does have a skippable bit.)

~ Lively ~

The Lone Ranger (2011). The why should be pretty clear.

~ Unpredictable ~

Since I'm still dealing with Emotions from this one... The Rare Breed (1966).

~ Hopeful ~

There's a lot of struggle and heartache throughout, but I find Open Range beautifully hopeful... in more ways than one.

~ Joyful ~

Ok, so differentiating 'joyful' from 'bubbly happiness' in this context, and if joy must have undercurrents of longing and satisfaction, than Stagecoach (1939). An archetype of its kind, it also just has to have a place in our answers here somewhere. <333 ;)

~ Adventurous ~

If 'adventurous' is to be "inclined or willing to incur hazard or engage in adventures; bold to encounter danger; daring; venturesome; courageous; enterprising" (Century Dictionary) then... well, Mag7 does absolutely fit the bill here, but to mix it up a bit I'll say Wanted: Dead or Alive.


Whew, all those questions were way trickier than I envisioned! 🫣

Now I'm off to load the dishwasher so hopefully my buddy and I can work on the above jigsaw puzzle this evening. (Got it around last Christmas and hoping to make it part of our annual LOWCW festivities. :))

My giveaway is still open through tonight here, so be sure to enter that if you're interested!

1 comment:

  1. The tag prompts really were unexpectedly difficult to arrange with various films, weren't they?? So many fit so many, haha.

    Very muchly enjoyed reading all of your answers, but am especially delighted by your pairing of Stagecoach with the "Joyful" prompt. :D <333


I'd love to hear your thoughts and look forward to further confabulation. Please just be courteous to one and all. Oh, and I love thoughts on old posts, so comment away!

(Also of late -- what with time being finite, and Life Happening + managing multiple blogs and computer issues and all that -- I sometimes have to alternate between creating new content and replying to comments, but rest assured I'm thrilled to hear from each and every one of you and always hope to reply thoughtfully in full ASAP. <3)

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